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Posts posted by Larsec

  1. I would like to join the project and do a mix of 'Starting Up'. It doesn't appear to have been claimed yet. I have had a track on another remix project, I don't know if that counts as having a remix posted. Though, I don't mind submitting an audition :)


    Edit: ...or maybe 'Starting Up' isn't supposed to be part of the project...?

  2. Larsec, it's a community project. You can give up one of those two tracks for another person and still mix the track yourself for fun if you have good ideas.

    Yes, I could do that... and I will. In fact I have talked it over with Juha and we won't be doing The Waste Tunnels anyway, so that's up for grabs. On top of that I will also give up the other 2 tracks I am working on. Which makes all 3 tracks I have been involved in availible for the community to remix for this project and, as a result, ends my participation in this project. You may remove my name from the organiser and remixer lists, thank you...

  3. I thought Larsec had sent out PM invites to all the DSoP mixers? . . . . If anyone drops their track over the next few weeks, feel free to pick it up.


    How bout it Larsec? Would you be willing to give up track 28 or 30 for me and another remixer from DSoP project (that is not already involved in this current project . . . .cough, ANALOG!, cough, cough) to work together on? Something like, um . . . .

    "ICON OF SIN"!!?

    Hola back Larsec (Analog too if you're interested)

    Apparently, I never sent the invitation to you, I'm sorry :( Although, it seems Analog did get one.

    I would hate to give up those 2 tracks because I have some great ideas for both (at least in my own opinion). Would you be interested in The Waste Tunnels?

  4. And, does anyone have the lyrics for track 21, Darkness Dawning?

    Darkness Dawning

    Night is near, beginning ending

    Dawning dark the skies are sending

    Cry of black and cry of sorrow

    End og light and end of morrow

    From without the night is calling

    From within the night is mauling

    Single sign of darkness dawning

    Wretched light of darkness morning

    Evil hears and evil watches

    Evil know and evil judges

    Brings to bloom the darkest flower

    This will be the darkest hour

    From the dust and soil awaken

    spirits lost and souls forsaken

    They will rise from over yonder

    They will fly and they will wander

    Through the flames I see them coming

    Through the flames I see them longing

    They have come to end the living

    Unforetold and unforgiving

    They are here, they crave, they hunger

    With the damned the nights grow longer

    Twisted limbs and twisted faces

    Demons from the darkest places

    But have no fear, I've come to save you

    Trust in me that's all you can do

    I lay to rest your fear and worry

    Come to me! Come on, let's hurry!

    This is where you find your ending

    Welcome to a death so mending

    You try to scream, your life is dimming

    cause I'm from Hell and DOOM I'm bringing!

  5. Then there's that vocal track at 22. I like vocal tracks, and I think this one's pretty good, but it's awkward as hell. For 21 tracks you try to pull me into this feeling that I'm on an alien planet, desparately fighting for my life to survive against these gruesome monsters around me, and suddenly this female voice is clearly singing out to me "Trust in me, that's all you can do." Eh? Instead of having one full blown vocal track with lyrics, having silently spoken lyrics littered throughout the tracks would have worked, sort of building the sense that the main character is hearing voices in his head or something.

    My decision to place larsec's track right afterwards was based on the general idea that, in many cases, after a movie is over, there is a vocal track over the credits - maybe the main theme song or something like that. I felt like Larsec's track, with the dark yet hopeful lyrics, fit well as a "Credit Roll" sort of deal. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine. I know that this project won't please EVERYONE who listens to it and I understand that.

    The way I thought it out and planned the lyrics was to have someone tell a story, a very dark and disturbing story. Then at "Through the flames I see them coming" the listener becomes aware that the story teller is actually a part of the story. The story keeps darkening and prospects for the future look bleak. Then the story teller says she will save you, to come to her and be safe, to rest at ease... But it turns out to be a trick. She is actually part of the forces of Darkness and now, that she has lured the listener in, the listner will surely die...

  6. Guys, I talked it over with MN and if no one beats me to it, once the dust settles around DSoP (at least a month), I'm going to try and start up a Doom 2 remix project. I haven't planned anything yet, but I'm looking to see if there is interest in it and if people are willing to devote their time and attention to it. I would like to make it happen...

    Quoted for great justice.

    I´m in.

    After the work you have done on DSoP, I was hoping you would say that :)

  7. Guys, I talked it over with MN and if no one beats me to it, once the dust settles around DSoP (at least a month), I'm going to try and start up a Doom 2 remix project. I haven't planned anything yet, but I'm looking to see if there is interest in it and if people are willing to devote their time and attention to it. I would like to make it happen...

  8. I am trying to go as fast As I possiblt can... But the dead-line for the track for the school CD got pushed up 10 days and on top of that all recordings have to be done by tuesday next week... and I have ´no time this weekend since the girlfriend is visiting... and about 90 people to record in addition to a fiddle, guitar and solo 3 vocalists... STRESS! :)

    I'll get it done during next week... Unless something new should decide to ambush me...

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