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Selben Coirlo

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Everything posted by Selben Coirlo

  1. I've actually only finished one remix ever, maybe I'll post that there. It's kind of old. Mostly I've been working on original music intended for use in games
  2. I've been working on developing an independent game project, and been deep into coding the guts of it before developing any visual assets. In the meanwhile, I've been keeping my enthusiasm up by writing bits of soundtrack for the parts of the game which I've got planned out. I've got 5 or 6 tracks written for it now, so I guess at least musically the project is well on track. Anyhoo. I've spent more time on this track than possibly any other I've done. A lot of false starts and careful changes before I finally got it to where I liked it. At this point I've completely lost perspective, but probably the mere fact that I've managed to work on it for so long without coming to hate it is a good sign. Up to the Sun A great cathedral towering up to the sky; at the summit, a fool with that believes himself a deity.
  3. Ah, but if I hadn't said that you wouldn't have responded.
  4. I'm pretty sure no one actually reads these so I'll keep it brief. I've been writing music for a decade or so now, and recently came back from a long hiatus. I'm frustrated that I have few people to share my music with nowadays, so I registered here for the entirely selfish reason of finding an audience that might give me some feedback. Currently I'm in the process of designing, programming, and scoring an independent game project. It's still in its infancy, but I'm having a blast figuring out what exactly it will be, and the music plays a big role in that.
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