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Posts posted by Doombeard

  1. Heya everyone,

    Me and my buddy are trying to create a guitar track to replace a vocal track (we have the track both in vocal and instrumental form), but I'm having difficulties making the guitar blend properly with the rest of the song. Unfortunately we're in a situation where we don't have access to original stems, so the instrumental is the best we got. Perhaps a bit of an unusual case, currently trying to play around with some mixing, anyone here that may have experience or ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. )


    I've been trying to stitch together a cover of this in order to help me get better at drum programming, but one part of the percussion completely baffles me. The "splashy" shakers during the verse (0:06-0:30, 0:54-1:19 etc)...tambourines? Cymbals? I've tried to layer a few of them together to get pretty close to the sound in question but hit a brick wall. Any input would be most welcome.

    Thanks in advance!

  3. I remixed Space Invaders. :D Source has four notes, it's the only source I used, and there's no part of the mix that doesn't use those four notes one way or another.

    You should never add another source just for length, imo. If you use multiple sources, they should complement each other in some way. A single source can be rewritten with new chords, new mode, new uses of snippets of melodies, and original content can be written with references to source. There's a lot that can be done with a single melody, and most music has more than just a single melody - they've got backing, rhythms, chords...

    If you want a challenge, grab some really short and simple melody, like the SMB underground or something, see how many different takes on it you can do. Give it 15-30 minutes just to screw with it, see what you come up with. You should end up with a handful of different directions to go with it, and some of those might work together. Once you know how to do that, do the same with whatever parts of your 30-45 sec source, and see what you can do with those.

    Wow man, listening to that piece is pretty damn inspiring. Good trick, I'll definitely try that, maybe I've just gotten too "stuck" on this one set style. And thanks to all you other dudes/dudettes, got some ideas balling around now. :D

  4. Hey there, long time lurker, first time poster!

    Been playing music for quite some time, avid gamer and decided to try my hand on remixing. Started out with a short piece (main melody is 30-45 seconds) and I've added some newly created melodies, but find myself a bit stuck. Considered bringing in another song to the remix to allow for fleshing out of the piece, but any other ideas? How d'ya guys usually approach remixing a shorter piece to keep it a remix and not add -too- much new, but still making it fresh?

    Thanks for your time!

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