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New Age Retro Hippie

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Taylor Ryan Merritt
  • Location
  • Occupation
    tech support

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    Pro Tools
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
    Recording Facilities
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male

New Age Retro Hippie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. can you please call this album "A slime appears!" ?
  2. I see we are on the same page here. I'll close my thread then since you guys seem to be much more organized Can I claim Snide's HQ? I was planning to do it in a southern blues style like Stevie Ray Vaughn or Muddy Waters and call it something to the effect of "Live at the House of Blueprints"
  3. Turns out SoSiouxMe and Mairujyat already had one in the works! Check it out here http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42271 /* Now that the SNES Donkey Kong trilogy is complete, (Double the Trouble is excellent, by the way, get it if you haven't already), the next logical step would be a tribute to one of my all-time favorite soundtracks: DONKEY KONG 64! Are people interested in this? Or have we reached DK saturation? edit: I know people haven't responded yet, but I thought I'd elaborate a bit on my idea for this. Since DK64 is much more of an open-world type game, with each area having a number of themes and a whole bunch of variations on the main island theme, I was thinking the album should capture the experience of wandering around through the island and through each level, and would be structured something like this: Intro theme Island theme variation 1 Some number of songs incorporating various themes from Jungle Japes Island theme variation 2 Some number of songs incorporating various themes from Angry Aztec Island theme variation 3 (etc.) Final battle and ending themes and the songs that appear in every stage (Candy's music shop, Funky's armory, Snide's HQ, boss room, etc.) can be included in any of the stages. Also, really short jingles and sound effects ("OOOH BA-NA-NA") can be either included in the stage mixes or grouped together in a separate "bonus" section. Since each stage theme doesn't necessarily need its own song, there could be any number of tracks for each stage, although I'd like to keep it fairly even between the stages, as the album would seem really unbalanced if there are 10 Jungle Japes mixes and only 2 Frantic Factory, for instance. I'll leave the discussion about DK raps to those more lyrically inclined than myself. */
  4. Changed it since you had it first. Can't go wrong with struttin' evil mushroom
  5. I hope the fibbonacci sequence holds and we can all look forward to an 8 disc donkey kong 64 album. Incidentally I volunteer to do an arrangement for that one if it does happen. One of my all time favorite soundtracks.
  6. Long time fan of the music here, ever since I found out about relics of the chozo. Figured since I've graduated from school and might finally have some free time on my hands I'd try and contribute something to the site. I mainly play guitar (acoustic, electric, bass; all sorts of styles) and sing (baritone/tenor range), but I also dabble in electronic stuff (mostly to add "atmosphere" to guitar-driven music). My favorite video game music is mostly from the SNES/n64 era (a.k.a my childhood), especially: zelda (lttp,oot) donkey kong (country/64) super metroid final fantasy(2,3 or 4,6 depending on your perspective) chrono trigger mega man x,x2,x3 earthbound (hence the name ) actraiser but I enjoy arranging all types of stuff for guitar/vox so even if I've never heard the music before I'd like to help (who knows, I might discover a new game I've missed out on)
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