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Posts posted by Skolar

  1. This is extremely awesome. I sure can't say I think anything needs to be changed. The time you spent working on it definitely shows.

    Right away, this remix gives off a kind of hard, industrial feel, and then later has that jungly, wind-instrument sound: You deliberately gave it those thematic elements to match Jurassic Park, right?........ 'Cause it's really cool.

  2. I'm still really cringing at that sax. It's a combination of an awful sample and not being very expressive. The long note at 3:00 is particularly grating. If nothing else get some vibrato going.

    Shakers seem too loud, kick is too soft and muffled. I think you need some more percussive elements in there.

    The solo violin is pretty fake sounding too. PM me and I can lay down a real part. :)

    Arrangement on the whole feels like it stays at the same energy level for most of the song, not enough ebb and flow.

    Green Hill Zone theme is always enjoyable, hope you can punch this one up.

    I just listened to it again for the first time in a while. I'm hearing quite a few more problems than I was able to pick up on before, thanks to the critiquing and feedback everyone's been giving. Thank you very much, again, everybody.

    Argle, you're right about the sax. I'm noticing that, coupled with the poor quality of the sound itself, and the unpolished/unskilled arranging, it sounds either boring or noticeably irritating in a handful of places. Sorry you guys had to listen to that silly thing. :???: Not being expressive enough, that's a good way to put it... I think something like a saxophone - and especially the style I'm trying to get it to do here - takes a lot of work to make it sound right, if you're doing it digitally.

    And yep... I was just listening right past it, before, but that shaker is way too loud.

    You'd want to do that? You bet, thank you very much, live violin would be awesome! I'll make sure the sax sounds more respectable before I ask you to go to the trouble.

    The energy level staying flat is one of the things I actually had in the back of my mind when I finished the first draft. I should get more creative with the backing instruments during the solo... That solo part was just something I tried out once I had the foundation of the source material, it's funny how it kind of became the whole point of the song.

    It's coming along! Thanks for your time and feedback, everybody. I'll keep at it, I'm having fun. :)!! My next mission: Make the drums less wimpy, and make the sax sound like it may have come from an intelligent human being.

  3. Before asking a saxophonist to collab, you should look into learning what sax VSTs can be modulated to sound sufficiently realistic, in case no one has time to collab. That could also improve your sound design skills and you could probably apply the concept of expression and realism with other instruments. :D


    Lately I've been -nearly exclusively- making stuff that's meant to sound like it's played by acoustic instruments (I actually like electronic stuff a whole lot, but I'm not very experienced with synths and such, yet). SO, since I don't play any instruments myself - Exactly like you said: I need to get better at making virtual instrumentation work right, and sound sufficiently realistic when it needs to. You sure can't beat having the real thing, but fake stuff can sound pretty awesome, too, and being as much of a newbie as I am, I have a ton of improving to do.

  4. Massive improvement with the Oboe interplay! I commented on Soundcloud about the kick sample - it seems out of place in the mix. Try something a little cleaner with a higher pitch to it - something "zappy" might work well. It sounds like you've got the hi-cut filter set too low at the moment and it's really muffled (probably intentional), but it doesn't work in the mix unless you open that filter up for the next section (when the chimes hit) really.

    I also think you should work on the humanisation aspect of the sax and oboe now if you want a shot at passing the judges. The mix is good as it is, but it has to have that extra TLC if you want a shot at passing the panel! Maybe try asking in the recruitment section if a saxophonist wants to play some parts live? Might work!

    Thank you! I'm glad the changes are working, but I do agree the oboe and sax still warrant some serious attention, for sure.

    That drum isn't jiving well with the rest of the mix, huh? Okay... I was keeping that tone real low because I tried a snare or something earlier on and it sounded out of place, so I guess I was avoided high sounds. I'll need to mess with it some more, see if I can lighten it up a little.

    I hadn't thought of asking a saxophonist to collab. That would be extremely awesome.

  5. (Samus is my mascot on the upper right for this page. Good job, website.)

    This is just plain good. The ending was actually the only thing that stood out to me as needing improvement, then I saw your post again and remembered you'd mentioned it.

    It's calm, but with a satisfying, punchy beat, and I can't listen to it without thinking of snow...:shock:..... I think any really helpful suggestions are out of my league at this point...

  6. Much better than the first version! You're making exactly the kinds of changes that it needed, in my opinion. Very good job, dude.

    As I've taken more notice of game music lately, I think I've caught this type of thing in Kondo's work more than a few times. It always makes me happy because I tell myself I'll try to work it into a remix someday. :)

    This is awesome, keep it up.

  7. In the great shopping mall of life, the Prime series is one store you can't go into without coming out with some good music.

    Some of the sounds are more reminiscent of straight-up 8-bit music, which is a direction the Prime music didn't moon jump in very often. Very cool.

    I started out in Garageband, but I guess I didn't spend enough time with it to recognize many sounds. For me, your limited library isn't holding this mix back. I like it!

  8. Great ideas, thank you!

    The solo is a sax, but I'm not surprised it's hard to tell, I'm probably pushing it too high for the sample in some places. :oops: Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that was too much of one instrument. I will try changing it up a little, I agree some 2-instrument interplay would be a big benefit here. I'm excited to see how this one changes when I try that.

    Oh yeah, the reverb is way too much, too... I'll take it back to headquarters and see what I can do. 8)

    Edit: Aha, I know what I'll do. Take down the reverb on the backing instruments and add some to the sax and whatever its friend will be... that'll help make up for the weak sax effect I'm stuck with right now.

  9. I've been liking the soft, shiny, spacious sound you've been giving your remixes. A Sonic track is really nice to hear with that treatment. The series' OST's are, of course, great, but most of the music has a hard, snappy effect to it. It's nice to hear Angel Island take a break from its Genesis origins (........ Genesis ..... Origins? ..........whoa.............) and be presented with a smoother style.

    I had to recheck the original version to see if you made up the part that comes in at 0:43. I was surprised to hear it there in the original version, too! Your remix makes it sound much more like a break from the rest of the song.

    You said you like remixes that stick close to the source material but present it in an alternate way; I think you're doing precisely that, and very well.

  10. Nicely done. The small flourishes you added toward the Green Hill section's end were cool, and the double-bass kick on the Flying Battery Zone fits it perfectly. I went and checked the original real quick and was surprised at how slow and simple the source's percussion part is.

    I think if you could get this recorded, it'd sound very impressive indeed.

  11. Oh cool! ... Using different instruments for the rapid-fire parts like that would sound more realistic, and on top of that it'd give the song even more activity. That's a Miyamoto-style, double-edged solution. I wanna try that now!

    Yeah, I really need to force myself to do a little extra work on things like bass lines and supporting parts. Thanks for the thoughts. I was sort of sick of this song, but I feel like trying to implement some of those ideas, now. :)

  12. Yeah, this one's basically a mess, at this point. It was real experimental, for me, the way I went about everything, and it.... mostly didn't work. :-P

    If I do revisit this one, I'll probably wind up redoing it almost entirely. It's either that, or carefully reworking the individual parts, which I might opt to do that instead. The piano is definitely not at all doing anything that was written for piano.

    Thanks for telling it to me straight, folks. :< It'd be terrible if everybody just told everybody else their stuff was perfect when it was really a broken mess.

  13. Welcome welcome!

    This remix is very cool. I'm also inexperienced with production, so I'm unable to pick out anything too technical / subtle, but to me it sounds pretty good in that regard.

    The strings that come in real quiet at 1:08 stood out to me as being a little quiet and hard to hear, but if they're at the level you want them, I don't think there's anything wrong with them.

    Overall, I think this is awesome. Keep it up!

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