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Posts posted by nOkbient

  1. Hey, I'm in the same boat. Life has been crazy. My WIP isn't very good, and I have a lot less time on my hands then when I started on this. I'm at a point where I think I would need to start over entirely from scratch and I just don't have the time!

    I think I'm going to need to drop out. Best of luck with the rest of the project! 

  2. Ok, right off the bat, I am not intending for this to be a discussion on whether or not louder is better. I have my own opinions on that as I'm sure you do as well. My question is more on the technical aspect of getting music to be loud.

    I listen to Pandora on my way to school in the morning. When I create music, I've tried to make it as loud as I could. I wouldn't say I'm a professional post-production expert, but I know how to mix and master well enough, or at least I'd like to think so. Yesterday, a Deadmau5 track started playing on Pandora, and it was MUCH louder than anything I could have made. I had to turn the volume down to about 20% of what I normally have it at.

    Even with compression, various mastering effects, EQing, etc, I've never been able to make anything as loud as this was and not have it clip or have compression/limiting artifacts. It was loud and dynamic.

    Now, I understand that it might not be reasonable to make all music sound this way, but purely from a technical production standpoint, how is this sort of thing done in an extreme example like this?

  3. Edited once again! Ill post the edit here as well as my main post.


    EDIT #2:


    Edit #2: https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/yoshi-start-demo-remix-ver2-wip

    I accidently removed the first edited version I made. Woops. Made some pretty drastic changes this time.

    -New intro. No longer identical to source.

    -I tried to do some new things with percussion. I made the kick a little bit more sub-heavy, and made the side-chain more prominent again. Also layered another snare drum, and did some EQ on it. Overall, I think the drums are what I'm having the most issue with. It's a weakness of mine, I suppose.

    -More variation in with basslines.

    -Chord changes and moderate adjustments to the arrangement. Hopefully not as hard to sit through for over 4 minutes ;) .

    -Actual ending rather than a fadeout.

    -I replaced the strings I sampled from the source with a couple synths I made to sound similar. I initially wanted to replace them with something different altogether, but because of mixing, I had to keep them close to what I had before. Everything else I tried got buried significantly. (This is also the reason why it's been hard for me to get the snare to sound right.)

    I focussed entirely on arrangement for this edit, as Argle suggested, so any level issues overall can be changed 'n stuff.

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