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Everything posted by ViralDemon

  1. This is it. It's finally here. You guys demanded it, so here it is. The world premiere of OverClocked Rasslin', our newest and most ambitious series to date!!! Join Dakid, Joojkins, and Stebognine as they bring the bizz on all the hypest matches that we know you want to see! Tonight, we bring you three great matches, starting with Larry Oji and OA battling against Brandon Strader and Peter Buglino in a tag team match. Next we bring you DragonAvenger versus Diotrans in a firey deathmatch. And lastly, for the main event, we bring you Level 99 and DJ Pretzel duking it out for a chance at the belt!
  2. Haven't updated this thread in a while so I thought I'd let everybody know about something we have planned for release sometime in April! It's OverClocked Rasslin'! Better get hype!
  3. Two new videos today featuring Level 99 and myself! What do you think of our new set-up?
  4. After getting to hang out with a ton of people from OCR at MAGfest, I decided it's about time I make an account to start actually being a community member. Glad to finally jump head first into this community and get to know some people!
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