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  1. Hello! My name is Ben, but nobody is going to call me that =P I've been a fan of OCRemix since way back in 2006? 2007? I can't really remember. I was a member of VGMusic.com forums and as I recall this was the site everyone there idolized. When I was young and naive, I even submitted a few ReMixes of my own to the site, only to be told they weren't quite up to snuff. Judges? You are too kind. They were terrible. This year I'm 22, and I've been training in classical studies for the past four years. I fancy myself an above-average composer, and I'd love to make a living off of it (slim though the chances may be). I'm hoping to use independent game development as a platform to showcase my musical skills (and showcase it must, because I'm a terrible artist). My favorite composers are John Powell, James Newton Howard, Joe Hisaishi, Koji Kondo and Nobuo Uematsu. My favorite albums are How To Train Your Dragon, Distant Worlds ~ Music from Final Fantasy, and the soundtrack to the SeaWorld show "Believe." I play piano, violin, clarinet, guitar, ocarina and irish whistle/flutes. The majority of my composing experience has been with pen and paper, or at least in notation software, so I expect moving to samples and sequencers will be a bit of a chore. I'm hoping to find friends here, and to get some good feedback on my arrangements and compositions! I will be composing in a strictly orchestra-oriented style with some occasional infusions of electronica! I really do love video games and their music, and I'm excited to see what I can make of it! ~SkyberrySkwerl
  2. Aww, thanks! ^-^ I was just about to make an introduction post ^-^

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