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I'm No DJ

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  1. Well, here I am ... joining not even four days ago or something I don't really remember when I did. Who cares. Anyway I have loads of remixes and more are coming, I basically store them on my Computer. I'm not going to spam OC Forums with all my shi-errr....I mean, awesome stuff. But that's basically up to YOU. I want you r input to see if these are any good or not. Even though I personally love my remixes, I'd really like some nice feedback, even friendly or not, please don't be too harsh! The Observatory in Luigi's Mansion (1) is my Favorite room in the entire game. Here is a remix, basically of the Luigi's Mansion main theme (Awesome song, btw) in the Observatory Room style, so expect it to sound a bit atmospheric/spacey/creepy, whatever. Enjoy it! http://kiwi6.com/file/a5ndtdnv56 The reason why it's a wip is because of the extended ending. If it's too long I could cut it ... but other than that I think it's all fine. Also, yes it is in also a m4a file because it's yet a wip but a near complete one anyway. If it's approved by anyone at all I can convert it in Mp3.
  2. http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/4413/screenshot20130220at405.png It seems to just load forever for me on the front page. I use both Firefox and Chrome but on different occasions. I have a MAC OSX 10.7.5 Maybe it is just me...Hm....It wasn't happening a few days ago :S Hopefully this is a minor issue! I sure did get a bit of a shock to be unable to search for remixes from the games section! Must be my bandwidth or something, It commonly goes mental from time to time. *Update* i've noticed that the site top is displayed on the forums, but not on the main home page. I think it's just me x_ X
  3. Hi I got a bit confused today to find that the top of the website in the home page is blank when it shouldn't be. The logo along with the games and music selections and all that were gone. I refreshed and they were still gone. Is this a glitch or a bug or what?
  4. Hello everybody, thank you everyone for letting me join OC remix. I can't remember how long i've been a lurker here TEE HEE HEE HEE well not on the forums that will be just perverted but i mean on the actual OC remix site itself to listen to music and stuff. Now that i've been making my own music for a while I recently started to make Video Game Arrangements and Remixes, etc, some of them i'd love to share with everyone and hopefully one day will be as good to host on the OC Remix website, which, if that ever happens I would be quite honoured. As my name implies, i'm not really a "remixer" but I love to remix tracks....I don't know how that makes any sense.....I don't use any real turntables or anything. However I do use real instruments my recordings (SOMETIMES) sometimes I do not. So I guess my username means "I'm not experienced, but I love to play." Please don't get worried about that statement. I am encouraging critiques on my upcoming remixes being posted and I know some of them may need work so I hope you guys can help me out here. Thank you very much and have a great day! ps I did not come here to advertise, I came here to enjoy making remixes of my favorite video games. I consider the dreamcast to be the god console and Sonic the Hedgehog is the best so is Mario and I like a lot of old games. WTF? How did this appear above everyone elses' messages? .......LOL......
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