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Posts posted by S0LV0

  1. Hey there! Thought this was as good a place to start as any now that I'm wanting to get active on the board.


    This is a remix I did around a week ago of a track I really enjoy from Sonic Heroes, the Emerald Challenge theme. It's mostly electronic and house influenced, and while I didn't intend it to completely branch out arrangement-wise, I think I got a few nice ideas in there. I considered throwing some guitar and bass work in there too, but alas, it didn't work out.


    Here's my mix.


    Gonna mark this as Finished since it was indeed finished by the time I posted it here, but I'm open to making improvements.

  2. Hello there, OCRemix! This is my first time posting after working through quite a bit of anxiety regarding potential feedback and whatnot; I've been producing as a hobby since early 2012-ish, and am looking to make it my "passion in life." Anyway, enough of that boring 'getting to know me' jabber; I'm here to post my work!

    So here's what I would consider one of my best remixes to date, a "Sonic Generations (Classic)" rendition of Sonic Unleashed's Windmill Isle (Day) track. It draws much inspiration from Hideki Naganuma's style of arrangement, specifically sampling from this track (Boarder 70 - Something Jazzy For Your Mind mix) on his Ollie King OST. It's also partially inspired from one DJ EAR's remix of Windmill Isle. The remix is considered complete at this point in time, but I have no qualms with revising it in any necessary way.

    I'm honestly very nervous about posting here for the first time as I said before, but I hope that any feedback gathered will help me grow and improve my skills. Please enjoy!

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