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Posts posted by WiFiSunset

  1. Making originals is a whole lot easier for me. I love the idea of this competition. I like to compose to pictures of landscapes, space, and basically any background picture. So my question is; will you post a picture of the place where the source is from, because that would also help to give a feel of what to compose. It would actually cause us to place ourselves in the same mindset as a composer. I would love to join this when it begins.

  2. These competitions are great! I've been following this one since it started. Can't wait for the Wily Castle Remix Guantlet. I want to join it when it happens....I'm just not sure if I'll be good at it; but, it's worth a shot :). If I'm able to redownload the Reaper Trial after it expires in mid-late May. I hope that I can.

  3. .

    If it's only used on the 3DS menu, we likely would not consider it game music, but if you're using it in a remix that has dominant source usage of another video game song, I personally would not have a problem. Although we state in our standards that non-VGM source use should be limited, console menu music is close enough to VGM music that I think it's acceptable. I can't give you a 100% answer on this because I don't think we've had this situation come up, just my feelings on it.

    I could PM you the WIP so you can hear how it's being used. I have Reaper (trial), and I can export files as a .rpp consolidated file. It says that other DAWs can read it, but I'm not fully sure about that. I'll send it to you and see how it goes.

    Edit: To be more specific, I'm using (The Arena: Lobby) song from Kirby Returns to Dreamland as the dominant source. Which is same song as the (Save Hut) from Kirby Super Star; but, I want to list it's source as being from Kirby Returns to Dreamland. Can I request this?

  4. I dropped into this thread to say Hello :smile:. I've been going to this site for 3 years now (beginning in 2010), and have gone through every album and have checked out pretty much every song. This site has helped me so much with its music as I went through High School (graduated 2012), and still does today. I love video games and music, and am looking forward to contributing to this site.

    I plan on remixing these games one day; Blinx: The Time Sweeper, Froggers Journey: The Forgotten Relic, Banjo Kazooie, Cocoto Fishing Master, and several others.....when I get an idea for them.

    Looking forward to advancing my compositional ability through this site as well. I use Reaper, but only have the trial version. I am especially up for collaborating with someone so that I can get better at making music.

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