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Everything posted by WiFiSunset

  1. John Summit - Human: https://youtu.be/6mn7OonJfk4?si=_9LMDUfKOUAfwlJs
  2. I've been mulling this over for quite some time now, and I was wondering what everyone thinks about having an Overclocked Remix World in VRChat. I think VRChat is going to be the new forum format, mainly because it feels like facebook & reddit smashed together lmao. I know that having a VR Device is still uncommon (correct me if I'm wrong), but there's a desktop version of VRChat that works the same and has access to the same worlds (PC, Oculus, and Oculus Quest cross-play) . So I'm not sure how much traction this'll gain tbh, but I've been making VRChat worlds in Unity and I've been wanting to do this for a while now and am finally getting around to it (making a VRChat OCR World). The only thing is that I need more time in VRChat before I'm allowed to Publish public worlds on the 'Community Labs' area yet. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
  3. This may not be the right thread, but I'm slightly new to the "Four on the Floor"/EDM genre when it comes to identifying what can be improved (or what's a problem sound-wise) in my track. I've linked my track below. The questions I have are: Is the bass too muddy? Instinct says yes, but I like that gritty edm noise (how would I clean that up, EQ it?). I want to layer the clap with a few other claps to give it some color, but I'm open to hearing all suggestions, especially as EDM/Electronica is a genre I want to learn more about. Closest song I've written that's only electronic sounds is this one from like 3 years ago: https://soundcloud.com/wifisunset-music/3-sphere-enigma EDM Exp I.mp3 EDM Exp I.wav
  4. Sorry to ask for a username change, but I've been releasing music under WiFiSunset and would like for my OC Remix handle to match that
  5. I'm going through (Bandcamp, Spotify, etc), and I'm noticing the mix is rather loud for a lot of my tracks. I have to turn the volume down to like 75-60 on my PC to get it sounding the way I intended to have the final tracks sound when post-editing the audio. Does Spotify, Bandcamp, and etc raise the levels of the songs posted at all? (I know part of it's that I got new headphones, but that shouldn't account for That drastic of a difference, right???)
  6. Nice album man !!! My favorites are Polluted Plumbing, Swamp Luminescence (good gracious the soundscape is beautiful), and Replumification.
  7. Super excited to have released my first album ! Definitely plan to keep improving my sound as time goes on, so any feedback is definitely appreciated ! iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/storm-colors-of-sound-i/1462319459?app=itunes&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Spotify: Bandcamp: https://wifisunset.bandcamp.com/album/storm-colors-of-sound-i The Tracks are in order with the Theme I had in mind for this album. Four songs with a Red tone to it, Blue tone to it, Purple tone to it, and lastly four Gold/White toned songs.
  8. WHOOP WHOOP!!! The Album has an official Name now : Shonen Remix Jump! Volume 1 Figuring out how to get this title on the consent form so artists can get that form done !! Edit: Found it lol. Sending off the email now
  9. Thanks man! I'm going to start the (Consent statements) process soon, but before I do. Does anyone have any name suggestions for the Final Album name? I'm looking for some way to tie it to Anime or Manga in gereral (because I still hope for there to be Volume II & etc in the future).
  10. Another quick question: Now that the album is in it's Final Form (pun intended ), do I submit the tracks to the judges for review? And if so, would it get backlogged, or expedited (so to speak)?
  11. That's Extremely helpful ! Thanks so much!! I'll check other sites as well for artists to kind of get a feel for what's out there. Appreciated man!
  12. Dang. I appreciate it! I was trying to figure this out for a while with no luck (still learning), but I can totally see what you mean. Any chance there was a Quarter-Tone thrown in there?
  13. Okay, that sounds doable. Do you know of any good places to look for artists (I know of deviantart, but was wondering if there were other places to look too). UPDATE: I removed all claims since there was no response to the check-in. Those with WIP's have until the 31st of this month to reply and get a WIP Extension while finding an artist is sorted out. On the plus side: we are so much closer to release as a result. Thanks for your hard work and patience everyone :)! Question: How is a site/domain for an OC Remic album alloted?
  14. What experiences have people had with finding Album Artists for personal album projects? And what costs do you usually end up spending on them? Asking for in regards to my finished album Storm: (And yes I sometimes Stream and YouTube let's play lmao).
  15. Honest music theory question. I Love the way the voices are layered when she says 'shiiiine', and I'm not sure what's going on there? What chord is that at 01:39??? When she says 'the way you shiiiine'.
  16. Absolutely, keep me posted ! With @evktalo's comment I may just reach out to those with tracks in-progress/almost done, and just go with the current track roster so far. There's 7 tracks finished actually, so you're right in that it would make a great album as is :). I may take that route (I'm not sure how to get an album artist for OC Remix projects tbh).
  17. ************************UPDATE: SEARCHING FOR A NEW ALBUM DIRECTOR************************ Things have gotten increasingly busy in my life, and I realize I will no longer be able to provide this project with the attention it needs to flourish towards completion. So effective immediately, I'm searching for someone to take over as Album Director. Once chosen: All mp3 & wav files will be transferred over to them so they have an up-to-date status & file content for the album. I'll also be moving down as a Co-Director for the album (I could provide better assistance in that format). There are a few requirements for the search, and they are: 1. Have at least 5 songs posted here on OCR. or 2. Directed or Co-Directed an OC Remix Album in the past. (First dibs do go to the current Co-Directors of the album, but by all means still get in touch with me if you are interested ).
  18. I think you're right. The quality of the String Samples is more important than the expedition of the process. And after thinking about it, there's a subtle intricacy in doing it click-by-click lmao. So I can put that on the backburner for a bit and focus mainly on sample quality @AngelCityOutlaw & @PRYZM I checked both of those out when I read your message, and those are Fantastic libraries! But my main concern is the price tbh. I did get advice from someone to check out E/W Composer Cloud, and they gave me this link for a review: https://sonicscoop.com/2016/03/17/new-software-review-east-west-composer-cloud/ I think I'm going to try E/W Composer Cloud and give it a try? I still have some doubts because it almost sounds 'too good to be true' tbh lol.
  19. This hits home man. The "I've finally realized is that I was so worried about being successful that I didn't let myself make the kind of music that I love" and "having unrealistically high expectations" mindset can be hell to work through sometimes (hence my other post lol). I mean, it's good to set a standard and expectation for oneself, but when does that go too far into an over-expectation & being unrealistic. I'm still trying to find that balance and make it a habit over time, but as @SquareWave is saying. Go through as many compositions as you can (without burning yourself out), there's always going to be discarded works for sure.
  20. It did lol. I've been trying to take my own advice that I give to people about forming an instant reactive opinion online to things that may sting a little. and actually taking time to actually Think about it. Because everyone took time out of their day to reply and give advice, and since I'm serious about growing in this field and from experiences, I listened with an open-mind to everyone here . So yeah, pretty much a complete 180 to the right question I should've been asking all along lol. What controls are essential for a midi piano to have for a composer? Would this be a good midi piano? (I'm not sure how far the 'you get what you pay for' concept I've learned in life goes in applying it to midi pianos): https://www.amazon.com/midiplus-AKM320-MIDI-Keyboard-Controller/dp/B00VHKMK64/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_bs_t_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=RDTWV7FHZTKZHB56X5NN&dpID=41oy7RP%2BghL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=detail And damn, noticed that deal expired too, but yeah it still pales in comparison to what I was projecting. Which is definitely a good thing like @Phonetic Hero was saying.
  21. I'm definitely checking out those links! And that's really encouraging tbh. Seeing everyone's reply's calms down that "I'm going to lose time in my life and fall behind by not having them, and starting that learning curve now" feeling I've been having when thinking of my future in music. So it all helps It feels like the world is progressing so fast now, and there's this lingering feeling of being left behind if I don't evolve and grow with it.
  22. On the contrary actually, I don't think your advice is overly elite or anything. It made me Think for the longest. Bluntness is how we learn. I've been asking Film Composers and Video Game Composers what software they recommend as a good string vsti. And the common recommendations are eastwest, kontact full, and a few others in the same price range. And I'm told that I'll need to spend money in it, in order to have a sample quality that matches my composition quality. So my thinking I needed that price range was more of a culmination of advice I've been getting recently. So it was more of a mistake on taking advice from professionals on my part? I'm actually confused about this tbh. (Edit: I thought about it, and it's like a businessman saying you need 10k to start a business, he's viewing it from his perspective of where he is in life. Whereas you could easily start one with less and still succeed. I think that analogy is what you're getting at. I can still progress incrementally along the way) . And as for 'can't make it financially work'. I guess I asked this out of, almost a desperation I guess. I came from a very abusive household, and when I was 20 and left, I experienced homelessness for 6 months (while still completing 2 programming courses at college). 3 years later I'm now I'm able to support myself on my own fully (rent, utilities, etc), but just barely. But when several professionals tell me it'll cost that much, there's this wave of helplessness and depression, and it starts to feel abysmally unobtainable. I'm a good composer, but I don't have a midi piano (and am told I need one to do it professionally). I got the wrong estimates I guess, and I didn't know. I don't know what reasonably priced midi pianos or string vsti's are considered good quality enough for doing it professionally. I appreciate everyone's feedback !! I'm going to shut down the gofundme and remove the link. But I'm keeping this tread open because the question has changed. What midi pianos and string vsti's are of good quality for orchestral string expressions? (I'm still checking out the links provided). And what's a good price range for them so I can come up with a plan over time to work towards them.
  23. Edited Question: What midi pianos and string vsti's are of good quality for orchestral string expressions? (I'm still checking out the links provided). And what's a good price range for them so I can come up with a plan over time to work towards them. [Old Question: I deeply apologize for asking of this, but I seriously want to further my pursuit in music. And trust me, if I financially could, I would. But support would be appreciated. I started a gofundme so I can raise funds to get a midi piano & a decent orchestral vsti. [gofundme link] I know this may seem ridiculous, but I honestly need the help.]
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