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Jon the EuroNerd

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Jonnathan Alvarado
  • Location
    Bayamón, Puerto Rico
  • Occupation
    College student

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Synth (for Super Eurobeat)

Jon the EuroNerd's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. http://www.linplug.com/alpha.html

    click the download tab, then download from the FreeAlpha box on the right. It's a simpler version of their Alpha3 synth. Not a demo.

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  2. Where do I find FreeAlpha to download? Can't seem to find it anywhere on Google...

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  3. I see. I'll try out either of the two you mentioned and also look at the guide from your sig. Thanks anyway.
  4. If anyone is familiar with Superwave P8 and Synth V112 with FL Studio, I would love to learn how to use them (particularly with Super Eurobeat) such as timing, BPMs (Super Eurobeat songs contain around 200 or more BPMs, not sure...), equalizers, etc. If you guys know how, let me know if possible.
  5. Hurm.. I know I already introduced myself, though because of the sudden overconfidence from last April when I first joined so here's my actual introduction of myself: Hello, I'm Jon the EuroNerd, a newcomer of OCRemix. The reason I joined in is because I want to learn and experience in remixing songs from different video game franchises, particularly with the use of SuperWave P8 and Synth V112 in FL Studio. So yeah. That's all the introduction I could give out, well except for the overly-confident part.
  6. I see. There's a Eurobeat artist on Twitter known as @TravisOdyssey, he's the guy who can do Eurobeat songs :-D

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  7. I'm afraid I don't know any Eurobeat artists but there have got to be a couple here on OCR. If I meet any, I will definitely let you know!

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  8. Hi! If you know the Eurobeat artist who can teach me how (especially with FL Studio, along with Superwave P8 and Synth 1), feel free to let me know. :)

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  9. Hehe, that was funny, and yes, I know my way around, just not on how to use FL Studio, especially in making Eurobeat-like songs. 'tis fine.
  10. Hi! I'm Jon the EuroNerd and am new here. In case you are wondering how I got the name EuroNerd is because I'm a huge fan of Eurobeat songs and am wanting to learn to make Eurobeat songs well with FL Studio (currently using Superwave P8 and Synth 1 for it), but other than that, just wanted to drop in and say hello to everyone here.
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