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  1. Ok, this is great!

    https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/sadpianoenvironment This is the piece I want to include in my project.

    The 'class' is called a 'Major Field Study'. In my DMA program, the first 2 years include composition lessons and coursework but year 3 is devoted to a research project which is a topic of my choice. So this isn't going to be a short 20page essay. The project will probably be c.a. 80 pages long by the time I'm finished. I'm particularly interested in how the compositional decisions you make are informed by your listening experiences with old JRPGS i.e. Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger in this case. My advisor for this project has said that he hears a new breed of tonality showing up in the last 5 years in music school. Rather than the usual atonal schlop, people are using tonal harmonies in a way none of the classical composers ever would.

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