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Everything posted by MegaMario2005

  1. This remix has a weird beginning, not the song I'd choose if I were doing a quick volume test, but after the first 10 seconds, it turns into a hard rock mix that's worth putting on repeat. Another creative technique was rolling some of the sound effects into the song, which always gives it a nice tweak. It would be interesting to see Metallica try some of this.
  2. Definetely a remix worth dancing to, makes me reminisce about how I used to play this game. Great sound and something you can dance to for a while considering the songs length is 5:21. It could lead to confusion with some of AE's remixes since you and AE both have done some techno remixes of Mega Man music. They also seem to follow the same pattern when the song is played. Keep it up Danny boy!
  3. This is a great techno mix done AE, but you need to expand. All your remixes have been done on Mega Man II only, and the game has 33 remixed songs, the most of any game on this site. If you have interest in another game, give that music a try and take a break from the Blue Wonder. But this mix reminded me of when I used to play Mega Man when I was a child. Keep it up AE! It's a nice electronic mix that sounds like you put effort into creating
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