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Everything posted by Arigator

  1. When I glanced over Southern East Asia, I remembered Reuben Kee (may he rest in peace). I did not know him personally but I love his remixes and I was very sad when I had read some years ago about what had happened. Do you guys think it would be a nice idea to add him to the map or would that be too sad or irreverent? I am not sure if I use the right term here, I just used a translation website (German -> English). He was from Singapore, I think.
  2. The shape of Antarctica on these Mercator projection maps always reminds me of a huge lovecraftian monster who reaches out a tentacle to grab Southern America.
  3. The map looks very interesting. No German so far, maybe I add myself to the map, although I am not a contributor (yet), only fan/lurker. When I glanced over Southern East Asia, I remembered Reuben Kee (may he rest in peace). I did not know him personally but I love his remixes and I was very sad when I read about what had happened. Do you guys think it would be a nice idea to add him to the map or would that be too sad or irreverent? (I am not sure if I use the right term here, I just used a translation website)
  4. Wow, I did not expect another album by VikingGuitar, Nate Horsfall and friends so soon after the brilliant 'Spectrum of Mana' album! This sounds awesome! I love that bluesy sound in "Formaldehyde Face" (also, that title ).
  5. An island setting sure seems tempting, so I would go for either Pilotwings 64 or, if I had to chose a story-driven game, Monkey Island (hardly any chances to get seriously hurt, get to know a beautiful woman and always be jolly). EDIT: and the most nightmarish life of a game character to relive over and over again would be the one of QWOP.
  6. I am listening to it on Soundcloud right now, it is awesome and after all these great albums I already got on your site for free, I am going to buy this one. Do you plan to offer it on 'Bandcamp' as well? I have an account there, but a big plus of 'Bandcamp' is in my book that it is also possible to buy albums without having to create an account (you just need a PayPal account, maybe it works with other payment options as well), which is good for people who don't want to have another account on some website. If not, no problem. I think in that case I would go with the the Amazon Payment option.
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