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Posts posted by Solkrieg

  1. Cutting the obvious out of this: Yes, I agree with everyone else, try a different intro approach.

    The drums almost feel like they want to be dubstep but the pads and lack of an sharp aggressive bass don't follow through with that feeling.

    I agree here, instead of a short sharp snare, I think a more drawn out snare would fit this mix more. It feels to me you went for a more "dreamy" or "spacey" ReMix.

    Source usage wise everything seems to be in order, even when you don't use the melody outright you seem to be following the chord progression.

    Because of this I believe it really is lacking something great. I think the lead from 3:35 could be implemented into something with the chord progression, maybe some sort of angelic-like plucking.

    For a 4-minute song (let's discount the intro) the pacing and energy is pretty samey and it kinda had me looking at my metaphorical watch. There weren't any surprises for me, things that made me sit up and say "Oh!", and the groove wasn't so strong that I was dancing in my chair. I definitely love downtempo arrangements, too, this track just needs more melodic and rhythmic hooks to draw the listener in.

    I personally like chill tracks like this, but I do agree with you that something is missing.

    Also, fadeout ending, you'll definitely get shit from the judges for that. :-P

    Agreed, I think that this would be a fantastic area to experiment with some arping and what not.

    Overall if the drums were EQ'd a little bit more, maybe EQ the kick a little more sub heavy, unsure though.

    (Sorry for riding your review to give mine, I've decided to become more active in the community and I want to get the general idea of what a "good review" is besides constructive criticism.)

  2. I'll check this out soon! :)

    I look forward to hearing some of your feedback again!

    I've go to check this out, great to see Tyrian to get some love! (PC ReMiiiiiiix!)

    I love Tyrian! It was my first video game I played (I think I was 5 or something) but I barely remember it. But I do remember when they re-released it for the gameboy advanced and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it :lol:.

  3. Just dropping in to say this attitude is insanely refreshing after some of the dickholes I've seen trolling the workshop recently. Good for you man, this is the outlook to have in music, regardless of if you're just getting started or if you're an industry heavyweight ;)

    Thanks! It's the only attitude to have when you're in any sort of art form. It only makes sense!

  4. OH, you submitted it before we came? lol. :P

    Lol after the comment that showed me how I should submit, I submitted it.

    Sorry, I'm not trying to pile on. I'm mostly trying to contribute to the discussion about frequencies and subjectivity versus objectivity in mixing that your track has sparked. There's no harm in subbing it, but don't be offended if it (a) takes forever to be judged, and/or (B) is rejected. It's enjoyable to someone who knows the source, but I'm not sure it's *quite* up to the official OCR standard. :-)

    Oh that's fine, I enjoy any and all constructive criticism as long as it's detailed and unbias, though this is the first time posting in this community so it's hard to get a "feeling" for what the norm is around here.

  5. Right, right, I already know the snares are kinda bad (too much mid range), but this work is about a year old. My friend wanted me to submit it as-is because he believes it's good enough. If I would've known all this was going to happen I would've added one of my more new snares.


  6. Well, I'd say the "snare" (really a clap and a dance snare layered) could be better (snappier and tighter). It's getting buried under the wobbles, and the kick is also buried. Sub bass is reasonably OK, but it's very raw and honestly just filling empty space in my opinion. The strings are unrealistic in the articulations, especially the staccato strings. While the dubstep wobbles are playing, you can't really hear the source well enough. I think this is probably going to get a resub for arrangement issues, with nitpicks on drum programming and strings articulations.

    The EQ could use some work (snare mostly), I am with you on that, but I made this before I really knew anything about it. I was much younger when I made the base project for this. I am afraid I don't know what you mean by "the source" during the "wobbles".

    I'm also afraid I don't know what you mean by "the sub bass is reasonably OK" it's a basic sine and with the genre, that's the most preferred kind of bass. Though filling empty space, I don't know what else I would do with the lower end of my track looking back on it; that frequency wouldn't be used for much else.

    As for the strings, this isn't an orchestration piece, I used the sounds based on how nice and how well they would flow with the track, it's dubstep after all. Though for being "unrealistic" they come from Session Strings so I'm afraid I might not know what you mean by that either.

    Try to go into more detail with your constructive criticism please, because I am very confused :).

  7. yeah, it's pgood. Mixing is good, arrangement is there, genre is ehhhhhhhhhh, but two out of three ain't bad.

    Does pgood stand for something on these forums or was that just a type-o? How would I go about submitting it to be officially an OC remix? Coming from you I am very flattered!

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwz7bt1muXc

    This is a dubstep remix of Lavender Town I made a while ago. I'm unsure how this community views Dubstep, but I hope that it's still welcomed. A friend of mine said that the remix was "OCR worthy" though I don't share the same feelings but I figured it wouldn't hurt anything to see what the community thinks of it.

    I have a small history with OC Remix, but I used to have a bunch of OC Remix MGS tracks on my PSP that I used to listen to all the time. It was good stuff :D!

    If I've broken any rules by posting this (anything I might've said), please let me know!

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