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Posts posted by NyxTheShield

  1. Thanks guys!

    The piano doesn't sound that bad to me actually. Anyways, i think i could tweak the sound a bit or use another sample, i just don't have that many alternatives in that regard.

    @ timaeus: Sorry for being a spoiler but i think i want to work again on that bass part myself, aight? :-)

    It doesn't sound bad, but it could sound much better. What are you using exactly for it?

  2. I always wanted to remix Dark World from lttp, and i always thought that it would fit into a 7/8 rhythm (and i was right). Not finished yet, but here's what i've got so far.

    Remix: https://app.box.com/s/qmjsrz4t86go1xrkaj7hw662iflng5ng

    Source: http://youtu.be/fde_HaMXCo8

    Definitely a more faithful approach, do you agree? ;-)

    My Favourite ALTtP theme, i enjoyed this remix a lot, i liked the idea. I have only 2 "problems" with it:

    The piano sounds fake. Not fake as in performance, because it sounds real in that aspect. But the samples/vst used doesnt sound right. At least that's what i hear. Maybe a bit of reeverb could help it a bit.

    The other is the kick, this is prolly me complaining but i find the sound distracting.

    Aside from that, really good job.

  3. So what's the problem here? Are you saying OCReMix's standards are flawed because of the narrowed arrangement ideals? Are you saying that OCReMix should abandon its mission of artistic interpretation and instead turn into a cover site?

    I'm not sure what your point is, if you're lamenting that OCReMix is limited in mission, or if you are trying to prompt change in its mission, etc. I'm just asking for clarification.

    I am basically a random guy so my scope is not really changing the vision of OCReMix (It has been around for as long i has been living in fact LOL) but yeah, kinda lamenting that some epic remixes are you straight rejected because the arrangement police.

  4. That's the problem; the interpretation Nostalvania had is beyond the comprehension of many people who don't have much of a critical ear, but for those who DO "get" it (or are specifically told exactly how it all connects), it actually works.

    That's exactly my "but", the source is there, it works, but it doesn't necesarily makes it noteworthy (No offense intended). I mean it sounds good as an standalone song, hell he could publish it as a copyrighted track and nobody would notice. My point is i hear that and say "Hey this is good", not "Hey this is a good Shadow Man remix". For example i hear this

    and my reaction is "Oh WOW this is an INCREDIBLE remix", but i doubt it would be OCReMix worthy because it's too close to the original, and the only real variation is the solo and the intro riff (Which is basically in the same harmony line).
  5. There are 2 that hits me in this moment

    First, Aquatic Ambiance, because i will always remember the image of playing DKC 1 in winter with my family, with the rain falling outside. with this track playing in the BG. Pretty nostalgic for me.

    Also, a more recent one, Innocent Sea of Seiken Densetsu 3, because it made me awake the same feeling of my childhood, the feeling of pausing a game just to hear the background music. Haunting melody.

  6. Also, it's worth pointing out that Gario (the mod reviewer on that piece) said that it was a close call on originality. I think if you cleaned up the production issues he mentioned, it would really make the judges think hard about whether to accept it anyway.

    OCR does accept remixes that stay vary close to the original, even these days. Pearly Gates is very similar to the source stylistically (while adding original content), and Umaro's New Groove uses the original melody almost verbatim while taking a creative direction in style and flow. Guile's Theme Goes With Metal is a more typically conservative remix: mostly very cover-ish but with a lengthy original bridge. All are perfectly legitimate approaches.

    I would love to try to give it a second shot but my HDD crapped, i wouldnt be able to replicate the same sound :c And it already sounds good to my ears, when i finish a track i usually touch it up for details only. I would submit it to the site either way to see what happens though lol

  7. I rather like remixes/arrangements that feel like extensions of a game or its soundtrack, as if they belonged to it or are catering to what people liked about it. Those to me are ones that stick. I have heard some that feel too different or have too many original parts, sometimes those naturally make me disconnect no matter how much I appreciate the work and creativity gone into it because I've come in expecting to hear the soundtrack I've enjoyed and come out not getting that so much. At the end of the day you make up your own mind about what you enjoy.

    One of my absolute favourites is Aquamarine by mv from Terranigma: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01335

    It's one of my favourite games of all time and this remix felt like it brought it to life in a new way without straying from it's original sound too much...which is something that always impresses me. It has some personal touches and adds some things that feel like they belong. The ending is so so but by that point I'm already stolen away. Who knows if it would pass today.

    Then on occasion I do really enjoy remixes that feel completely to the original but they really have to be memorable enough for me to "get it". One such remix is garlic by posu yan "po" from Castelvania: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01776

    It really shakes up the style and feels fresh, there's a lot added to it with some nice twists but it never loses sight of the source so I'm constantly feeling like I'm hearing this great jam by someone who loves the soundtrack. Paying tribute like a mo'fo'.

    I'm not totally familiar with the sources in your track but I thought it was a pleasant listen that could be touched up a little more. With more intimate and laid back songs I do enjoy hearing the all of the acoustic guitar rather than a clean recording of the string notes too (as long as there is not too much production going on). The ending is almost non existent which to me says there probably was more you could do to give your own personal touch and show the artist in you. If this really is more of a straight cover of the songs then yknow there's nothing to stop you putting it on YouTube or wherever and finding an audience, there are tons of people that just want nice performances and covers. But don't be defeated, this probably isn't too far off.

    Oh for sure! i am fond on what i create, i came to understand that my material is not what OCR needs, i stick more the original tracks because if i am remixing them, it's because i liked them how they were, at most i will add a coda or mix a couple of songs together. I will not go down the spiral because i am not OCR worthy heheheh, i still have my channel where i upload my stuff. In fact i only have submitted one track to the site (

    ) because i know most of my tracks wouldn't get past the judges. I was honestly curious about the opinion around the forums, certainly most of my favourite remixers and remixes are not in OCR because they stay close to the sources-
  8. I have been a follower of OCReMix since 2007 aproximately, been lurking this forums since 2010 and became a member just a couple of years ago. And something i have noticed here, is that faithful remixes, or remixes that don't variate a lot from the original sources are often (And in the majority of cases) ignored or criticized only because they are just faithful, ignoring basically everything else from the remix (How it sounds, instrumentation, arrangements etc). And in the other hand, i have seen remixes that have been praised or straight accepted into the site because they variate a lot from the source.

    Taking some sources for example:


    This is an incredible liberal that changes basically almost the entire harmonization of the original track. It received a lot of good feedback. When i listened to it, i barely could get the Shadowman theme out of it (Even when it's there, the harmonization just make it sounds like a totally different track). As it stands, is more likely to be accepted into the site.

    In the other side:


    I submitted this as a mod review, the overall sound of the track was liked, same for the atmosphere, but the track was said that it would mostly get rejected for being too close to the original source, despite the other aspects being good enough.

    What's your opinion about this kind of remixes?

  9. I question if you want this to be a Mod Review, due to the fact that this was designed for a fan game (and therefore loops, fades out, is very conservative, etc.) - Mod review is specifically if you're looking to post something on OCR's front page. If you're looking for feedback here, that is great; the Workshop forum is just for that. Understand, though, that Mod Review might not get you the kind of feedback you want (that is, specifically oriented toward submitting the track to the site) - you'd get more generalized feedback by posting it as a WIP or Finished track headline.

    I'm changing the headline to 'Finished' - if you actually are planning on submitting the track on the OCR front page, understand that it's far too conservative an arrangement to be posted on the OCR front page, as it stands, and work to include some more original ideas into the mix (That's the gist of my mini-Mod Review).

    As far as things go outside of a Mod Review, though, the instrumentation is actually pretty fitting - that organ is really cool. The track seems a little hollow, like there is nothing going on in the mid range. No chordal filler or anything, so it feels a little empty overall. It sounds pretty cool otherwise, though - nice take on an underrepresented game of the series :)

    DId i post it as mod review? I am sorry i think i may have pressed down after selecting the tag, i was sure i submitted it as Finished (For those same reasons, is too conservative hahah)

    Now that you mention it, it indeed lacks a bit in the middle range, i will take a look at it.

  10. Okay, now I'm actually listening to it (looks like it's an old one you've done before).

    Yeah, the flute is indeed mechanical, because the notes are detached. Whether you recorded it for real or not, it sounds too stilted as I mentioned earlier, and it's just how you chose to play it that makes it sound stiff. As for the bass, I do agree with Skrypnyk, it doesn't sound like it's contributing much to the soundscape, and it sounds plain with no distinct articulations. It's as if it's a sine wave, but not quite.

    At 0:40, I agree again with Skrypnyk that too many things are going on at once. I hear the piano on the right, the flute on the left, the piano on the left, the bass in the center, the metal percussion on the left, the hi hats, snare, kick... wow, that's a lot. I think the pianos need more rhythmic synergy in the partwriting to sound more cohesive and in agreement with each other, and the flute can be more centered at that point (automation?) to let the left piano come through more.

    At 1:36, by "sloppy" transition he probably meant the retuned metal percussion; it sounds too artificial. Also, I see what Skrypnyk means by breakbeat. The drum pattern at 1:39, for example, has a lot of snare fills in a row, and is in the style of breakbeat (not to mention it raises the energy of the track, even though there's ambience at that time as well). If you took those snare fills out and made it more plain, it could sound more downtempo and less conflicting in the amount of energy conveyed.

    I will try to record thw the recorder again then, i really don't find anything wrong with it, but if 2 people said that then maybe i am high lol

    The flute it's 100% centered, i may have moved a knob at exporting though, going to check it.

    As the transition at 1:36, the previous 40 seconds were to tone stuff down, we came from a part with heavy percussion, to a chill section 40 seconds long, if i didnt add the first drums back at 1:36, then you guys would have complained that part was just a fill, i had to choose one way.

  11. Oof. This has waaay too many ideas going on, sometimes all at once. The first two things that struck me when this first started playing how mechanical and stiff the flute melody is, and how flat and lifeless the bass is.

    Then 0:40~ hits and erupted in chaos. There's no focus on anything, everything is just playing what it wants, how it wants.

    @ 0:59~, you have some pretty sounds, nice pads, I like the delaying arp synths, but this mix has no idea what it wants to be. Is it ambient? Is it trying to be breakbeat? What is it that you're trying to do? 1:36~ is a rather sloppy transition.

    The more I'm listening to this, the more I want to enjoy it, but the lack of direction and strong idea make it difficult. There is certainly potential here, it just needs to be more refined.

    I find weird that you find the flute mechanical, i

    t's a real flute O-o (Or better said, a recorder lowered one octave)

    It didn't explode with "chaos" at 0:40, it builded up until that point, then the 2 sources enter. I don't see it as chaos, you can clearly recognize both sources, the blend between them and notice all the instruments used clearly.

    Also, i don't get what are you trying to say about the remix not knowing what it want to "be", the mix is what it is.

  12. (Yes, i know i submitted another piece for mod review recently, but i am kinda stuck with that now for now)

    Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93823550/The%20Forest%20of%20Melancholy.mp3

    Name: The Forest of Melancholy

    Sources: Mining Melancholy and Forest Interlude, both from Donkey Kong Country 2

    Comments: I consider this one pretty much done arrange wise, maybe a non looping ending ending could be done (But i kinda like loops hahahaha), aside from that i think did arrange, blend and mix both pieces together pretty fine.


    Nice blend of two great tracks - I love me some Secret of Mana 2. Clean and calming here, using the acoustic guitar to set the calming mood and the rest of the instruments to achieve an almost mystical atmosphere. It actually sounds really cool, though I do have some thoughts on the track overall.

    Overall, the production is so-so. The acoustic guitar forming the harmony is very distracting every time you leave the scratching in the recording. For a live performance it's acceptable, but for a recording it is just distracting, especially since it's not hard to edit them out with your DAW (or hell, even Audacity, if you're working on a budget). Toward the end things also get muddy - too much fighting to be in the front, leaving me confused whether you wanted the piano or the wood flute to be the focus of that section. Finally, the guitar at 0:46 is pretty piercing in comparison with the rest of the track, so be sure to bring down its high EQs, to soften that effect.

    The performances were pretty spot on, in general, though again that backing guitar sounds like it lands a little late on the notes (we're talking milliseconds, but it clashes with the sequenced bits). Playing a live instrument against a quantized one is tough because these discrepancies become glaring, so to fix this you'll probably either need to record the performance more accurately or edit the notes so they land more precisely with the quantized track. If anything, the second option would probably be more feasible. Another rewarding possibility would be to remove the quantize from the sequenced parts and have them sound slightly (SLIGHTLY) more humanized, as to fit better with the guitar in the background. Otherwise, nice work on the performance.

    The arrangement is pretty cool, using Angels Fear to Tread as a bookend like that, and the Innocent Sea as the meat of the track, but I think it should be expanded a bit. Unfortunately, once the second source comes in it almost sounds verbatim to the source, so it sounds a little like slapping the two sources next to each other rather than any mixing of the themes. Granted, this is a close call on my part, but I'd lean that some more integration of the sources would help your cause.

    Sounds very nice, actually, but I don't think it would pass on the site as it stands. I hope you elaborate on this idea and eventually submit it for another Mod review when you've touched it up.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Just a couple questions and comments:

    -I love the guitar scratching, i give the acoustic guitar a distinctive sound, i think i am gonna stay with it or tune it a bit down, removing it would take out the point of using the acoustic guitar in the first palce (I have an electric-acoustic guitar with nylon strings that doesnt record the slide sound when i connect it to line)

    -Could you point me to some timestamps where the late guitar clashes with the piano??

    -Sure, i will tone down a bit the higher frequencies of the electric guitar, i think i forgot to equalize it hehehe (Oops)

    As for the arrangement part, what do you think could be done? I have a piano thatc reates a new melody that evolves in the middle part of the song for the enterity of its duration, should i make the piano stronger?? Add a new melody with the flute? Add a new source? (I can't add Fear of the Heavens in that part because i saved it for the ending).

    Again, thanks for the feedback, i will try to fix some of the flaws.

  14. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93823550/NyxTheShield%20-%20Innocent%20Heaven.mp3

    Name of the Remix: Innocent Heaven

    Games: Seiken Densetsu 2 (Fear of the Heavens) and Seiken Densetsu 3 (Innocent Sea, and bits of Meridian Dance)

    Comments: I played this game for the first time this year. At the beginning i though it was nothing especial until i went further it. Until this song kicked. I just stood still, without advancing the text, just to hear this wonderful yet haunting melody. I haven't felt like that since i was young, and i stayed with the pause screen on the aqua levels of DKC or trying to play the world map theme from Final Fantasy IX. For bringing this wonderful sensation back, i think this piece deserves a tribute.

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