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Posts posted by sambarugh

  1. Absolutely brilliant. Can't say I ever had a SNES and so don't recognize the tunes (maybe that misses the point!) but I love whatever you've done with them. Really beautiful sound, fantastic synths and guitar sound, particularly the lead solos... almost reminds me of a lot of modern prog rock groups, like the Neal Morse Band in particular with the synths. Don't know if you listen to that kind of stuff but it reminded me of it in a really great way and most importantly matches that studio quality.

    Really beautiful work.

    Thanks so much OmegaBolt - you're right on with the sound direction. We're all prog rock/metal fans and bands like Neal Morse are right in our wheel house. We always try to cover a few different bases with our longer pieces so all of our influences can come thru. Here I got to channel both my inner Steve Vai and John Petrucci :)

  2. Hey OCR,

    We just finished our most recent piece which is a medley of SNES RPG themes...well almost all RPGs...we tacked on Final Fight for good measure :)

    Feedback of any kind is appreciate as always. Although I should state that the spoken work sections were intentionally placed as this was used for a podcast and we wanted to include some fun soundbites from the show.

    I don't know if this can be submitted here because it's multiple games involved in one piece, does anyone know? Either way...enjoy and here are the included themes:

    Lufia II - Final Battle

    Chrono Trigger - Undersea Palace

    Earthbound - Giygas and Pokey

    Chrono Trigger - Final Battle

    Final Fight - Ending Theme


  3. One thing to remember is that we are NOT a barrier to ANYONE getting their music heard on the Internet. There are zillions of high-profile, high-audience (at least potential audience) options out there in this wonderful 21st century of ours, like YouTube, SoundCloud, etc.. Manual review, group review... actual arrangement analysis... these things take time and cannot be thoroughly automated, in spite of our A1 prank to the contrary,

    So the answer comes in three parts:

    1. As always, we're working on it. More than just lip service, we're taking some tangible steps to try and accelerate and catch things up ASAP.
    2. We're ALSO working on implementing an integrated workshop system that WILL be more of an instant-gratification type dealio, where WIPs and finished mixes alike will be integrated with our database and presented on the site alongside featured (i.e. judged & passed) mixes. Our Patreon should help fund some of these development efforts.
    3. In the meantime, keep your pantyhose on as much as possible and know that our uncompensated, completely pro-bono team of hard-working staff DO care and WILL make things better.

    I appreciate the response, I really do. I also appreciate the work done here by the staff. But I stand by my original statement. If I finish a piece of music, I don't even remember how to play it 7 months down the line, let alone the 29 other elements that went into making it. I've also probably written 5 other pieces since then which I've also forgotten how to play. Feedback of any media needs to happen with more immediacy or it becomes redundant.

    None of this is a complaint and I certainly have no place to tell you how to run your site. It's purely an observation, and I'm just looking for an honest discussion.

  4. There's a huge amount of remixes in the queue, so the judges kiiiinda need to get through the ones sent in earliest (usually) before getting to the one(s) you sent in. ;)

    I understand, and I'm not trying to be a jerk here. I guess I'm just curious if you thought the process was working or if you thought it deserved attention. Surely there has to be a better way regardless of quantity. Different tiers of judging for example. I would be glad to help out with any ongoing discussions in an open forum.

  5. I have a question. Hopefully this is the right place for it.

    How does this site legitimately think that 7-12 months is a realistic time frame to offer feedback on a submission?

    I can't even comprehend if a piece got rejected for resubmission - a potential 2 year turn around for one piece of music?!?!

    I mean I appreciate that this site exists to service the community but the process needs to be drastically revamped, because if you think that time frame is acceptable then I would be speechless.


  6. I'm not sure what some of the judges are referring to but the piece does feel very one dimensional to me. Sonically it stays the same throughout but most importantly, it doesn't change dynamically.

    I would start with a rewrite and develop more ideas around the central theme, with a focus on instrumentation. Don't rely on the same sounds, be creative and explore other textures and feels. I think what you had was a strong foundation, and with some added depth it could be stronger.

  7. Man Lufia 2 has some great music. There's some really awesome sections in here. Structure wise I think you're good.

    I don't know why but your tone when playing with keys sounds great, but alone it can be quite grating. I would be inclined to mix those sections differently to compensate. Also when the rhythm drops out and comes back in it's too prominent for me (@ 1:29 for example). The second part of the solo section also feels a little disjointed so I would personally address the transition there.

    Those would be my main criticisms. Great job though.

  8. For a five and a half minute piece, this really needs some focus.

    The flute is out of key quite often and as the poster above mentioned, the drums are also quite flat. Timing is also an issue when the rhythm guitars come in and this should be addressed in the mix.

    Around the 1:52 mark is where things start coming together and the instruments are cohesive. Your different sections flow well and have character, it's really the execution that lets them down.

    Overall this feels very much like a first draft but I think with a lot of attention to detail it could take shape.

  9. I am a HUGE SX fan :)

    I might be inclined to add in a touch of the cutting rhythm, or at least double your existing track and boost the treble. If you listen to something like Accolade or Rediscovery Part II, you can hear how the guitars cut through the mix and snap with the snare/kick. It requires a deft mix but when you get it right it really brings it to life.

  10. I understand, it's tough when the loops are so short. I used to find it really frustrating, but now I try and use it as an opportunity to be creative. Perhaps try taking the loop and make distinctive sections that share theme's but have their own personality.

    Regarding the rhythm guitars being buried, if you double tracked them then the issue should just lie in the mix. With this style the rhythm should have a bite to it and it seems to be getting pushed down by the bass.

  11. I enjoyed elements of this piece, especially the very Symphony X sections (0:42-0:52) for example. I think in general though your rhythm sounds are buried (were they double tracked?). The piece also suffers from repetition so were it me I would try and change the overall instrumentation to make it more engaging as a whole. Lastly, the ending is quite abrupt.

    I would definitely look forward to a reworked version.

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