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OCR Podcast

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Everything posted by OCR Podcast

  1. This is one of those tunes that reveals itself to be more than one tune if you listen for the cornucopia of background elements dancing about. There's more than meets the ear here and I like it!
  2. You know, I just can't get into the vibraphone. Perhaps that empty cling is part of its beauty, but the instrument-- when played alone-- always sounds hollow to me. That said, I can hear the chilled out intricacies here and totally appreciate them. Well done!
  3. Oh no! Someone spilled a freshly pickled bottle of joy all over this guitar! What are we going to do other than fist pump to the resulting good time?
  4. Chimpazilla: almost single-handedly keeping the memory of Twilight Princess alive! This is a really lovely piece of music that I can definitely see helping in times of sadness. I didn't notice the sequenced nature and still don't think it detracts from the overall mood. I've already listened to the song several times and can safely say it's great.
  5. Yeah, everyone here is on the same page and it shows. Each instrument brings something unique and lively to the piece-- lovely work!
  6. That's hard hitting. And rad, also. Definitely does justice to the supremely Commodore-ish beat. I can't say I loved the ending, but that's about ten seconds of "hmmmm" from three minutes of "yeeeaaahhhh" so who am I to complain?
  7. Man, this ReMix is like a kiwi: warm and fuzzy on the outside but filled with bright, wonky, deliciousness all the way through. Not only is it creative, but the production is a crystal clear, high-five-worthy success. And a Chuckola Cola reference? Yep, I love this for real.
  8. I'm no Elfman apologist but I can appreciate the odd sinister/silly combo; this ReMix delivers on that with a lot of pizazz even if the orchestral quality sounds a bit iffy. It's an unpolished good time!
  9. After listening to this a couple of times, I now feel sad and inspired. There's so much class and restraint here. It warms my heart among the darkness to hear something with so much gravity add to the hugely creative collection of ReMixes on this site.
  10. Although I've heard Castlevania ReMixed with heavy use of shredding guitars and organ samples more times than I can remember, this is a preeeeeeetty rad version. The trippy synth/piano ending might be my favorite part, especially since I assumed everything would end with a sudden bang.
  11. Man, this is a gorgeous piece that lovingly elaborates on the source while taking it in a totally new direction. It sounds so soothing and natural, but listening a little closer reveals bunches of skill.
  12. My brother bought me the NES version of Xenophone for my birthday last year. It ruined my birthday. But that's okay, because this is an infectious ReMix of a song not even featured in those unhappy memories (look up the NES soundtrack to discover what I was stuck with). Good energy, constant beat, fun vibe of unstoppable alien attacks. And who doesn't love those?
  13. Methodical and melancholy. The flute is super evocative-- which is weird to say as I can't say to what. The whole mix gives me a "window into the past" sort of vibe despite my total unfamiliarity with its source. I certainly like it, though.
  14. Haha, this is one heck of a niche, and I just barely squeeze through the gates of comprehension! The weird, self-referential lyrics and Jetzons tie-in are good fun, but I can't say I much dig the end product. The vocals were just too flat for me to really find a groove, and despite some nifty guitar work here and there, the song didn't go anywhere very interesting. But simply as a fun, silly idea for a contest? I'm on board, folks!
  15. This ReMix takes a bunch of overplayed, often so-so musical elements (dubstep, music box, creepy little singing girl, etc.) and destroys them with all the passion of a burning sun, pounding out insanely satisfying bass and infusing it with terror to create a masterpiece in the process. So I kind of like this song, good work!
  16. I know nothing about the Battle Network games, but that doesn't stop me from recognizing a pleasant, fluid bit of electronic music when I hear it. I really like the pacing on this one, even if the melody-- from an "outsider's" perspective-- seemed a little inconsistent.
  17. Wow, what a transformation! A decent, repetitive N64 track becomes an epic espionage adventure. The roots are there, but everything's been expanded to dizzying extents. Awesome stuff.
  18. The scope of this ReMix is incredible-- kind of like djpretzel said, not just because it goes big, but because it goes everywhere. Really impressive range, and by the Nine Divine that Irish whistle gets me right in the heart.
  19. The original Spyro soundtracks never did much for me, and I despite this much snazzier go-around of the purple dragon drums and bass, I'm still not feeling it. The song is solid-- toe-tapping, I might even say-- but it kind of goes in one ear and out the other.
  20. This ReMix is the chillest. And the illest, if that's what the kids are saying these days. I agree with Larry's comment about 1:30's 16-bit breakdown-- gives me a '90s PC vibe. Yep, I like this song a bunch.
  21. Awesome. I mean that literally: I'm in a little bit of awe here. This is beastly success achieved with the power of team work.
  22. This is one of those arrangements that reminds me why I listen to music so much. There's so much here, and it's extraordinarily mixed. Beautiful work.
  23. Nicely done! I don't usually care for straight up metal (kind of bores into my brain) but I can't say no to a guitar solo like this. Besides, the sound is crisp and in control, which is no mean feat.
  24. "Hmm. Another Castlevania ReMix?" I mumbled idly to myself, clicking the download button without any idea whatsoever that an orchestra was about to move into my eardrums and proceed be unrealistically epic. This is a PRETTY GOOD SONG.
  25. It's easy to get swept up in this ReMix. The consistent, chill bass was a good friend to the always-in-motion piano; I loved the nods to Sonic - You Can Do Anything and Lava Reef Zone as well. This entire album houses lots of good memories for me and this is one of my favorite tracks.
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