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OCR Podcast

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Everything posted by OCR Podcast

  1. Now that's a creative take on an old tune! Newcomer Yffisch, you really captured-- and capitalized on-- the likable, flawed, very human performance of Monkey Island's music. This is such a neat idea, and it's executed with a whole lot of heart.
  2. Constantly fresh without sacrificing the methodical, gorgeous beat. It reminds me bit of Lifeformed and his work on Dustforce. This ReMix really does it for.
  3. Considering my concluding thoughts on this ReMix were "I wish this song lasted longer", I think you've achieved your goal. Even if the mixing blends together, I think it works out thanks to punchy drums, a relentless pace, rad guitars singing their hearts out, and a whole bunch of super fun variations. I really really like it!
  4. This is a lovely arrangement of a powerful song. It gave me an "everything's going to be okay" vibe rather than the buckets of mystery I felt from the original source, which was a pleasant change of pace. My only real sticking point would be the vocals that came in at 1:36 as they sounded a bit fake or staccato to my ears. But the overall sound? Lovely indeed.
  5. The big solos and little flourishes tag-teamed it to win my heart. Something doesn't quite feel right about the mixing (and that's as specific as my limited mind can communicate) but there are so many things to like I can't complain much!
  6. Not bad at all! I'm partial to when things get broken down at 3:40-- reeeaaaaaal smooth. Also, the title made me laugh.
  7. Hard-hitting indeed. Here's a prime example of using repetition to your advantage instead of letting it get in the way. Good show!
  8. It took a while for me to warm up to this ReMix, but then again, it takes the ReMix a while to warm up. I was real happy to hear good old Dr. Eggman make a little cameo, and the build up was certainly worthwhile. Very cool!
  9. Man, what radical synth choices. So satisfying and insane. I will admit that the screams were a bit on the nose, but I love the descent into grimy madness that follows them. Hearing this, I'd be curious to find out what Gairo's take on the castle theme from Super Mario World would be!
  10. I was bobbing my head with a pleasant expression on face until the violin popped in to say hello, and then it was 90 MPH down Smile Highway. Great work, guys.
  11. Splendid collaboration! I've got the say that the source tune grates on my nerves-- too shrill for my tastes-- but bringing in some rocking guitars sorted that problem out neatly. I found the Eastern bits to be more than welcome as well.
  12. The mallets aren't sitting well with me, but I quite liked the piano introduction. The mix as a whole came off as aggressive, borderline generic metal-- but it's pretty good aggressive, borderline generic metal!
  13. This is a song to ease the heart and no mistake. It's seamless and relaxing; every instrument sounds effortless. Can't get enough of it.
  14. Gaahhhhhh, this ReMix is a monster; meticulously stitched together and altogether terrifying. The crackling distortion that kicks in at 0:17 had me cringing and involuntarily thinking of corrupting disease, partially thanks to the stark title of "Cancer". After the more comfortable (but still hard-hitting) dubstep disappears, you're left with nothing but unnerving tones that just barely follow along familiar theme, which feels impossible to escape from. The whole creation was practically painful to hear and could not have been more brilliant.
  15. I can't say I have a barrel of monkey fun listening to cartoon-style chase music out context, so the result of this ReMix feels kind of empty and aimless to me. That doesn't stop me from having oodles of respect for rocking out with the xylophone, of course, and I do like that brass!
  16. The mix is a bit trancey and spaced out for my liking, but the violin pulled me right back under the river of smooth sounds. Very, very well done.
  17. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. YES. Moving beyond my monosyllabic initial response, I can safely say that this ReMix is all aces. I was already 110% on board when the guitars kicked in, but that little "hey, hello, how ya doing?" from Baba Yetu simply can't be topped. The whole arrangement gave me a fist-pumping sense of joy that reminds me of CarboHydroM (high praise indeed).
  18. My ear is not so well-trained as Brandon's, so most of the sloppiness was lost amid a wave of raw, emotional simplicity that stirred the soul. The arrangement is gorgeous.
  19. Mesmerizing, this is. I think evktalo put it well-- I need some stray asteroids ASAP. My only complaint is that I need to get some work done tonight and this ReMix is luring me into a trance.
  20. Ohhhhhhhh this is good. I haven't played any of the games in question and even I'm feeling familiar warm flutterings in my heart of hearts. When the guitar and accordion intertwine with one wonderful melody, all is well.
  21. It took me roughly half of a second to recognize halc and I enjoyed the halcness for the following three minutes. It definitely is run-of-the-mill halc, but have you seen the mills halc runs? They're dope.
  22. There's enough power and attitude in this ReMix to take over several kingdoms. You've made Bowser proud.
  23. The file select song from Super Mario 64 has a special place in my heart. It's nothing less than a magical portal into new and colorful worlds, and this really feels like a celebration of that. It doesn't capture the same mystery, but rather has a super good time remembering said mystery. There might have been a little too much flute for my tastes (it began to drag a little bit), but as a whole this ReMix soared.
  24. I've got to echo the sentiments on this bone-rattling bass, a perfect way to enhance the mystery and suave already present in the source. I'm so glad you made that moody guitar happen, too; what a combo!
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