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Everything posted by ProfessorSMASH

  1. 1. Boo 2. Roll 3. King of all the cosmos
  2. Awesome thanks! I'm still new to drums I'm having troubles making them sound good, but I do hear it now the infinite sound of those kicks. I'll try to fix that asap I fleshed out the lead synths in a couple places, I think it sounds a little better now. I also got a little further in completing the actual song, something I was gonna do before I posted here...but I got impatient Thanks for your reply, I feel like I'm taking a step in the right direction now EDIT: Just listened to my new track...very sporadic, I definitely have a lot of work ahead of me. Thanks again!
  3. Hey guys! This is my first attempt at a remix, or any real music for that matter...so it's not the greatest... I know this is also a super early WIP, but that's mostly why I wanted to post it now. I want to see if there are any big mistakes I'm making before I spend more time on this track. I'm very passionate about VG music, and this song in general is one of my all time favourite NES songs I hope it's at least decent! I would appreciate any feedback, even if it's just "lol nt gg" Thanks guys!!! Here it is: The original:
  4. Hey, long time fan, first time poster here. I just started working on my first remix...boy is it tough. I'm gonna read around through the forums a bit, maybe I'll get some good advice!
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