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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
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    Session Strings
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  1. oh, i actually threw this together in like 2 days and called it a day, so it wasn't the cleanest work -- it's already out the door and done though, so there won't be any more revisions. i do agree on the banks, and i'm getting better ones this year; these were just stock kontakt sounds and session strings thanks for the feedback!
  2. Undertale is pretty cool and I like RPG battle music. Original: Feedback is appreciated. Thank you for listening!
  3. Original theme: The running joke with this theme in the community is that it's completely awful and out of place, so what started as a quick joke transcription became something a little more involved: https://app.box.com/s/43vyzaosxhu1ex8ynlp2rnswf49wb0do I usually don't do this type of music so this was a little difficult, but hopefully it came out alright. Any advice and feedback is appreciated. Thank you!
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