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Just Coffee

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Posts posted by Just Coffee

  1. So a skeleton goes driving on a highway and turns on his radio... who is he listening to?

    I don't suppose it's not too crowded for more Undertale? Because here's an 80s-style remix.



    I feel like this might be a bit too close to the source because I think I'm too fond of the main melody to try and mess with the arrangement too much. I mean that game's soundtrack though, right? I also think some parts on the synth are clashing but I'm having difficulty spreading them out without proper headphones(they got ripped :-(). Anyway, I don't think I'm going to change the arrangement but I'm very open to ideas. What do you guys think? I'd love to hear some feedback.

    Bonus(bone'us ha!) points for an answer to the skeleton joke.


    1. My understanding of Bandcamp's policies is that you have X number of credits/points (or something like this?) before you can no longer offer music for free... 

    Thank you for mentioning this. I hadn't noticed this at all while I was setting up. They top you up with 200 free downloads per month apparently.

    Sadly, Soundcloud has a similar limit on a per track basis. So I'm still looking for the ideal platform to do this free-but-you-can-donate thing whilst I get started.


  3. Hello friends,


    I'm currently in the process of making a bandcamp page where I hope to release stuff I've made and future releases at a "pay-what-you-want" price with a minimum of $0, basically treating it like a tip jar. I plan on including my video game remixes along with my originals and I just have some questions for people who are more knowledgeable in the subject than I am since I want to do this the easiest and simplest way possible without stepping on any toes.


    I know that it's pretty safe to put up remixes as long as they don't contain samples from the original work and you're not charging for them. But would putting up the "tip jar" in front of the download link put me in a sort of awkward position between share-alike and commercial release? Would it cause me any problems should the original tracks' copyright holders or other decide to look into it?


    Also, I've submitted a track for the OCR Judges' Panel that I'd like to put upload(be it bandcamp, soundcloud, or youtube) as well. I think it's still in the submission inbox since I haven't seen it pop-up on the rejected list. I've read the FAQ and I don't think I read anywhere on there that tracks submitted shouldn't be uploaded elsewhere for public listening and/or sharing. But I just want to make sure, is it alright for me to upload the track with the same tip jar and not have it cause any problems if it happens to get approved at a later date here on OCR?


    Looking forward to reading your replies on this. Cheers!


  4. It was when I found out about the bonus track for Castlevania: SOTN that I started to appreciate remixes and thought to seek them out whenever I could. But it was actually Vertexguy's metal cover of the Jungle theme from Contra that made me think that remixing old video game music actually resonated with a lot of people and inspired me to take the gaming musician's path and made my first guitar cover.

    From then on, I've been studying on my own on how to make music that I like on and off as a hobby, hoping I'd someday make a living as a game composer like ol' Nobuo Uematsu.

  5. Run it by Mindwanderer first, but Just Coffee, maybe you and Mark Sparling could work as a team? Just Coffee that Mega Man 8 track was epic and that alone should qualify you as a star, just ask Mindwanderer first. I'd love to hear what you two can cook up!

    I'm really flattered that you think I'm good enough to qualify as a star. But I don't think my production skills are that good yet so I can't provide any significant advice or contribution to my would-be partner. I'd like to be able to participate as a Novice first since I've only just recently joined OCR. But either way, I don't think I'll have enough time to come up with something in time. So I think chances are high that I'll join the next one instead. :)

  6. I just mean that the melodic contour felt odd, like if it were a person talking, it felt rambly (3:16 - 3:42). But it's a small thing.

    Ah, gotcha. I had the same thought myself tbh. But I just felt like I would've taken away the hype in that part.

    I freakin' love this! You especially nailed the drums!

    Like my hair seriously turned itself into a mullet and I involuntarily started saying action movie one-liners listening to this. That is how much 80s just punched me in the face listening to this!

    Radical! 8-)

  7. Nice! I think the drums are very well-produced; nice and punchy, and not buried. I'm not wearing my regular mixing headphones right now, but on just decent skullcandies it sounds pretty good in the EQ in general.

    The only thing I find odd about it is that the lead appears to be sidechained, and not just the bass and pads, and I think it makes too much of the track feel pumped; I like my leads being stable in volume.

    So overall, besides the slightly noodly melodic contour towards the end, it's quite good.

    Thanks! The bass and pads are actually sidechained as well. It's how I tried to make the drums pop out more but there may have been a bit much on the lead. What do you mean by "noodly" exactly?

  8. @Phonetic Hero, thank you! I often hear that Megaman 8 is one of the lesser favorites in the series. But it was my first Megaman game next to Legends. So the game had a certain lasting appeal for me.

    Please feel free to comment on it anytime. I'd really love to get some critical feedback on it. I'd rather it be posted here though instead of a pm so other people can jump in and add to it or something.


    @YoshiBlade, thanks! I initially thought to make a this a chillout track at first. But I felt like it was a little too similar to the original. I redid everything and it ended up sounding like a workout track. So I just went with it. :lol:

  9. I've recently finished arranging my 80s remix for the stage select and intro stage themes from Megaman 8. I don't think I'm very good with mastering and EQing so I thought I'd run it by you guys first before I make a submission(or should I have done that first? I wasn't sure).

    There's quite a bit of reverb going on with a lot of things since I was trying to get that 80s workout cheese. Some parts definitely feel overcrowded I think. But I'm not sure if I should cut or pan stuff around.

    Let me know what you guys think:



    Original source

    Intro Stage:

    Stage Select:

  10. Hello everyone!

    My name is Gian but I go by Just Coffee mostly anywhere online. I've always heard songs from ocremix featured on youtube channels like Extra Credits and Totalbiscuit. Some of the tracks I don't resonate with because I'm not familiar with the original game. But the ones that I do recognize are simply stellar. Reimagining old video game themes has always fascinated me and I want to become a better songwriter for it.

    I've often lurked as an outsider here in the past but finally got the courage to register and get into the community in order to meet people with similar passions, better my chosen craft, and hopefully make it my life to create music.

    Thank you for having me and I look forward to being a part of the community.


    I wasn't sure if it was customary to leave a link to stuff you've done before as a first post. But here's a link to what I've made in the past in case anyone's interested:


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