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Best Dude55

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Posts posted by Best Dude55

  1. Thanks so much for the review! My job and other obligations have kept me very busy for the past few months, but I was finally able to sit down and take another crack at improving the mix some more.

    I wasn't totally sure if I was going in the right direction with what you said, but I did quite a bit of tweaking with the different channel's EQs, to try and minimize interfering frequencies and things like that. I think it might be a bit more clear sounding now, but then again my ears are fairly untrained so that may definitely not be the case, haha. Either way, here is the current version of what I have for the remix!


  2. Alrighty, so I've gone through and did my best to try and find harmony issues and fixed what I could discern at least :P

    I suppose since I've come quite a ways on this remix, and it's been a little over 2 years since my last mod review on this, I'll mark this as ready to review. I'm still pretty nervous about that high bar of the panel, but I really appreciate all the feedback from everyone on this so far!

    Here's a link to the most recent version: https://app.box.com/s/wwcxigeyz703wlhjtz77z4xwqmbtem66

  3. Thanks so much for the input!

    I was at MAGFest this past weekend and went to one of the OCR panels, and got some more inspiration to work on this more tonight. I mainly just changed the ending like you had mentioned so that it hopefully isn't as abrupt and such. I tried to sort of giving it a bit more energy before easing it out, and ended it on a (hopefully) better chord. I haven't quite gotten the time to work on the harmony fixes yet but those will probably be next!

    I don't think the link changed since it just updates the file, but I'll post it here again anyway!


  4. Thanks for the input!

    And I haven't submitted this to the panel yet. With how long things usually take to get through the panel, I'm basically too nervous to submit it unless I'm more than say... 90% confident it'll pass, haha. I do admit though, when I originally started this remix, I was right out of high school after having been in band for 4 years, so my musical ear was a bit... better back then. So basically, I'm struggling quite a bit coming up with new ideas since I haven't really done much music stuff in a few years. However I can't just leave behind 3+ years of work and $400 of audio equipment I got specifically to get this onto the site, so I really want to try to see this to completion. I appreciate the advice though! I'll keep trying to come up with... something!

  5. Hello everyone! I saw an art forum and thought I might post some of the art I've done. I usually like to draw while either waiting for music feedback or just if I'm bored. I'm far from being where I want to still, but I post most of my work to my DeviantArt gallery here: http://best-dude55.deviantart.com/ (a lot of it is old)


    Here are a couple of pictures I've done that I think turned out somewhat decent



    Sunset Flight


    Thanks for looking!

  6. Hello everyone, so I finally got all of my VSTs re-downloaded, and decided to take another look at this remix after seeing the new Sonic album released.

    It's been over a year since I've really done any music stuff, so this new version probably won't be the best. To be honest, I didn't change much from the last version, just a few things here and there. However, I figured since it's been about a year and a half since the last post, there may be other people on the forum now that may be able to add their thoughts in addition to the other posts so far. Here is a link to the newest version: https://app.box.com/s/bw7lfimge7681g2fu62ofppxvgd4zmg6

    Thank you!

  7. Hello again everyone! So I finally worked up the nerve to post here again with a new remix I've been working on. I've been working on this one for a while, and it was pretty fun to do. I kinda tried some things with different sounding basslines than I normally use and also I experimented with major key switches. As usual though, I still don't know much about production since I'm way too busy with school and work to look into learning more about it. So I just kinda do what I think sounds right, even though it is probably all wrong haha.

    Anyway, here's a link to the newest version so far if you'd like to listen: https://app.box.com/s/1houusvbvjb41nf0pkrqwo8q78llclu0


    Edit: Forgot to put the source, whoops!


  8. Hey there everyone. I recently built a new computer, so I had taken kind of a long break from making music while I run around reinstalling all my programs. However, I think I got everything back now, so I decided to start this remix of the surfing theme from Black and White. It has been a while since I've done music stuff, and I'm honestly not all that good to start with, so it's kinda rough still. Mainly, to me, it just sounds kind of flat and I don't really know how to give it a more "full" sound, really.

    Anyway, here is a link to the source: 

    And here is a link to the most recent remix version: https://app.box.com/s/b0l3fyp11au996o9p5drg4qkowbp4ood

    and again, it is still a WIP. Thanks!

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