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Posts posted by Rellik

  1. !! mv! I can't wait to hear what that ends up as :D

    Anyway, I think I'll have more time than I expected, so I may be able to get more done by the 31'st than I had originally planned (maybe even finish it?). It's never really going to be my best mix so far or anything, honestly, no matter how much I work on it, but I'll aim to make it as good as I can.

    That kirby commercial is entirely too creepy. It totally contrasts with the essence of kirby... but I guess that's how stuff got sold back then.

  2. I was supposed to post here saying I'm going to be participating, but I thought I'd wait until I had something to show you guys. "Call it a preview." :D


    Very cool! Is that sort of percussion allowed, though?

    Great Ty style orchestral as always, though, basically. I have some issue with the masterring (the bass is entirely too heavy, imo). You seem to have done a heck of a lot of real arrangement here; makes me think that my own audition piece may need more deviation from the original. Although I have to say, it seems like you've taken it to the extreme; the original is barely recognizable. Still cool though :D I don't think there was ever any doubt as to whether or not you'd be accepted for the project.

    Claado, was it really ever your intention to reject anyone? I understand about only one person being able to get the title theme, but does the "audition" count for anything else?

  3. Well, if you can give me a week or so to come up with something, I'll have incredible samples. Thanks to some good grades on my progress report, my mom's buying me Quantum Leap Silver, with me contributing my saved up fifty bucks. I found the demos of this sample thing to be incredible. However, I'm not sure if my computer will be able to handle it when it arrives.

    But anyway, i know a lot of you will say that I'm stupid for buying samples,because anyone with good master abilities can make bad or free samples sound incredible, but I've really been dreaming of getting Quantum Leap Silver Orchestra. I'm really losing the electronic interest and I'm only really interested in doing orchestral music, so I guess this sorta justifies forking over 350 bucks.

    I wish my parents would buy me stuff just for having good grades like that :(. They did buy me energyXT for my birthday which I love... but that's $40 vs. $350 (I'd rather buy energyXT myself and have them buy me EWQLSO silver, but that'd never happen :() Anyway, congratulations :D EWQLSOSE sounds great!

    Unfortunately, you're only going to be able to use it on this project if the rest of us also have QLS. So unless you're willing to buy it for us... it's still gonna have to be free SF2's with little expception.

  4. Well, I want to say I think you should leave the modern style drumsets out. Once again, this is sideline talk since I won't be remixing, but I really think it would take a lot away from the John Williams style symphonic soundtrack. I think sephfire is right, good fast paced battle music can be done without drumsets. Just think of all the battles from John Williams scored movies! Star Wars alone would be great reference.

    To be honest, I don't think we're going to be able to get John Williams to work on the project. And to be honest again, I don't think we're going to be able to get a real orchestra to record us all kinds of brass articulations to get that punchy sound. Considering that we have to work with free SF2, I think allowing drumsets is a wise decision.

    Really, the free SF2 thing has not been a problem for me so far. They are actually better for Orchestral than Sampletank is (in general; SampleTank certainly has its strong samples when it comes to orchestral, but it doesn't have a huge range of useable stuff). But I don't think that using just free SF2's anybody but an expert would be able to make something truly pumping in a battle type sense. This is what I have so far of my audition entry: http://www.tjhsst.edu/~alederer/Music/Rellik_-_CT_Open_v2.mp3. As you can tell, it's not exactly energetic, and this is as energetic as I have been able to make it (without using a drumset or guitars or anything) since I'm not an expert.

  5. No, you see, this happens for EVERY RNS FILE I HAVE. My backups all have the same error too. :|

    Try sending it to someone else who has reason, see if they can open it. If they can't, well, that's very :( I've always thought of Reason as a stable app, but I guess not. You could try contacting the propellerheads guys or maybe post on their forum (in fact, I'd definitely do that if you haven't already).

  6. Alright so I just realized that both Rellik and KirbyMixer are mixing track 22. I just talked to KM, and he's going to mix Fountain of Dreams as Water Drop instead. :P

    :( I hope it wasn't my fault. If it was my fault, I apologize. If it was KirbyMixer's, I forgive him :P.

    Ikronix, your DnB clip is very cool :). I didn't recognize the bassline at first, but it should work fine (in fact, I agree that the original bassline wouldn't have worked for DnB, or actually very many genres at all, since it's so different from a normal bassline). The sound, as I mentioned, is very cool. My only suggestion would be to beef up the drum track a little, but not by alot, since it's mostly fine.

    As for peer review, my take on the matter is that I guess it's an ok idea if necessary. My suggestion: at least leave room in the project for mixes that aren't of the character themes. They could be cordoned off from the mixes of the character themes, but it seems to me that it would be a shame to sever them completely from the project.

  7. Hey, I'm having an odd problem with Fruity Loops Studio. Every so often when I'm working on something, the CPU usage suddenly flys through the roof and makes everything go batty. I have to wait for it to "calm" back down to around 10 before I can really continue to do anything. It's rather obnoxious as it does this QUITE often. Anybody have an idea on how to fix this?

    Are you using a Pentium 4 processor? If so, it could be a Denormal problem. I don't actually know anything about denormal, but it will make your CPU fly through the roof at odd times.

    Besides that, I'll just ask what drivers you're using. I don't know if this is related, but when I was using the WDM drivers that came with my SBLive!, (and this also happened with ASIO4All), a similar sort of thing happened. The kX drivers now have eliminated that problem.

  8. :D

    Now this is what you call hugely organic and amazing and all. Amazing arrangement, stupendous orchestration. I know I was able to find a few isolated spots where there was some sort of a percieved flaw on the first listen, but now after listening a few times I am having a hard time finding them =(. I'll post a follow-up later when I find them =) but either way, amazing work. One of the lushest and most high-quality mixes I may have ever heard; there's really a lot of warmth in this one. Many nice works, Gray!

  9. Ive been trying to rewire Reason into fl4 and iam having some troubles. I can get the sound out of reason into FL. But say I enter some notes into the paino roll and when I play the song I hear nothing. Also some of the lower notes dont work eather. Any ideas?

    Check the help file/tutorial on FLStudio's site. It describes how to send MIDI from FL to Reason. I don't know why some of the lower notes wouldn't work.

  10. Hmm... big problem here.

    I have automation on the MIDI Out, sending CC1 (ModWheel) to a VSTi (Sampletank, in this instance). The automation is recorded from being linked to the ModWheel (CC1). It sounds fine when being played back, and sounded fine during recording, but for some reason, the automation just doesn't work in the rendering. What's going on?! Please tell me someone has an answer :(

  11. First, I don't know if this has been answered (I'm too lazy to look, but it's not like it's doing any harm if it already has been answered) but of course you can link more than one knob to an external (although the examples you stated are internal; the same thing applies) controller. Just turn off "Remove Conflict".

    Second, for some reason 3xOsc just doesn't sound good to me for detuney things. It's great if you want simple sharp synth-sounds which you can later completely destroy and awesomefy with distortion and detune up with chorus, but for detuney sounds it just doesn't seem to cut it. Maybe I have wierd tastes?

  12. Hi!, check out sfz from rgc:Audio (rgcaudio.net or .com or something). It's awesome, and free! It's multitimbral, it can do Direct from Disk streaming, it has several fidelity levels, and you can load either the whole soundfont or just the patch you're looking for.

    ellywu, sounds like Edirol Orchestral is multimbral (and possibly multi-out). Do you mean you want to control each instrument separately, or do you want multi-out? If you want multi-out, and Orchestral supports it, click the little down-arrow that's right near the upper-left corner (next to the Folder icon), and select "Enable Multiple Outputs" or something like that. Then whatever Mixer channel Edirol Orchestral is assigned to will be the base channel, and any multiple outs will be on the subsequent channels.

    If you want to use it multitimbrally, just set its input port to any number (let's call it X because I'm lazy). Now make a MIDI Out for every part you want to use in Edirol Orchestral, and have the MIDI Out's out put port be equal to X, where the channel that the MIDI Out is outputting on is equal to the recieving channel of the chosen part in Edirol Orchestral. And that's how it works!

  13. Well, you need to assign the FX channel of whatever SoundFont player the MIDI Out is sending its MIDI to, Darlos.

    kX drivers.

    These things rule. I can get down to like 5.33 or even 2 milliseconds latency. But in high-CPU projects... the timing isn't accurate. It doesn't underrun like it did with the DirectSound driver, it just slows down everything momentarily or makes a mechanical buzzing sound (like a really fast retriggered sample). I wish there were an easy way to simply freeze the tracks and then unfreeze them without having to go into audio =(. Anyway, is there any way to disable all the VSTi's while recording? There's that "smart disable" for effects, but nothing like that for VSTi's.

    On a totally unrelated note, I just wanted to go over some of the advantages that FL has over its competitors (like Cubase or energyXT), because I can only think of one right now, and that's worklow. Oh, yeah, and some good included generators and effects! What else? I'll start the list:

    1) Workflow

    2) Included Generators and Effects

    3) Internal Controllers

    4) Can act as VST/DX/ReWire slave/host

    5) Buzz Adapter

    That's all I can think of, for now. Anyone else want to contribute? No real point to the list, but I'm always very aware of the disadvantages of FL, so I'd like to go over the advantages, just to shake this disquieting feeling that I may have to switch hosts soon if FL doesn't get on the ball with audio and MIDI input functions.

  14. I'm using Fruityloops and I have the effects window open. I have Fruity Free Filter selected. I can change around the frequency as I please, but what I want to know is how can I set it so that the frequency will be at one point in the song and at another setting later on in the song?

    Listen boy, you really don't want to use the free filter. There's individual filter controls for every fruity generator. Go to:

    Your generator :arrow: Ins(in the channel settings window, next to smp and misc) :arrow: Filter

    You can automate it by right clicking on it and choosing edit automation.

    Next time you can read the fantastic manual.

    Er... that's not true. Especially for that generator of all generators, the Fruity Wrapper.

    JamesXIIC, just be patient. You'll get the reg code by e-mail in the 2 business days alotted; you'll be able to access the site when you get the reg code.

  15. Sorry, no flp's from here. I should try making something with all FL samples, synths, and effects, though....

    Anyway, I finally figured out what the "Hardware Buffer" and "Polling" parameters in the DirectSound buffer mean (I don't know if this has already been answered, but it was a mystery a while ago). You can use either one of them to ensure MIDI timing, so that the timing doesn't go along with the audio buffer. For example, just make a MIDI Out, and set the port to your soundcard's MIDI synth or external hardware if you have it, and then turn up the DirectSound buffer all the way... heheh. Now try it with Polling or Hardware Buffer. Of course, if you have good drivers (I certainly don't =P), all that stuff is not so important anyway, but it's good to know. Imagine how frustrating it would be to have your $2,000.00 ROMpler so horribly out of sync with your sequencer!

  16. Thanks for the tips, skulkrusha! What do you mean by a 'good' MIDI interface? If possible, I would appreciate some examples of a high quality MIDI interface. If necessary, I will buy a soundcard with good ASIO drivers; I'm going to be spending some money anyway, so while the flood-gates are open (everything I use is free besides FL) I might as well get a high quality soundcard. Unfortunately, you are correct; my computer is a coding computer, a music computer, an Internet computer, a graphic art computer, a 3-D modelling computer... if I could afford another one, I would get it and use it solely for music, but I can't. Thanks again for the ideas!

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