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Everything posted by SoaringWyvern

  1. Loved this song so much, my wife chose this song to walk down the aisle at our wedding. Fantastic piece
  2. I've waited so long for this track to get some more love. I LOVE this track.
  3. I played it alot on my dreamcast as a kid. To this day I get tracks stuck in my head!
  4. I know it says to specify a song, but I just cant pick one. I love them all! There's so much nostalgia in this game for me and the music is killer. I just want to see it get some love. If someone could remix any track, in any genre they choose I'd just be pleased to hear what they come up with. :)
  5. I have listened to this more times this week than I care to count. It's just so catchy! Very well done.
  6. I've had the original version of this song stuck in my head lately, and to see it on here was a real gem for my day. But beyond that, the added emphasis from the snares and use of cymbals adds a power and drama to this track that I adore. Great work, and great track!
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