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Shael Riley

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Status Updates posted by Shael Riley

  1. When did OCR get this social networking feature? What happened to analog television? Where am I?

  2. Hey, Coop! For years, I've enjoyed your pixel-art signature banners, and I was wondering if I could pitch you on the prospect of doing some art for a game I'm creating. I'm not just conceptualizing it--I'm programming it and I have a working pre-alpha build, albeit with stolen art. Can I hit you up through email?

  3. Hey, Coop! For years, I've enjoyed your pixel-art signature banners, and I was wondering if I could pitch you on the prospect of doing some art for a game I'm creating. I'm not just conceptualizing it--I'm coding it and I have a working pre-alpha build, albeit with stolen art. Can I hit you up through email or Facebook? Send me a message.


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