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Posts posted by ATP19XX

  1. UPDATE #01:

    So. Obviously, I forgot to bring drums to front in first place on earlier mix. This one is slightly different from earlier drums.

    I changed the kick and snare, also cranked up the volume of all drum samples so it can be heard a lot better. Reminder: drum volumes are not probably gonna stay this loud, but for the clarity, it's probably easier to focus on drum line now, as it's the priority of this topic.

    Also, in chill section with only background melody and bass line, drums started with snare so it sounded like:

    snare 2 3 4 5 6 7 kick 2 3 4 5 6 7

    But now it's reversed so there is kick in start instead of snare.

  2. That (velocity) is practically my bottle neck. I usually have some bad time trying to find at least half-decent sound for drums. And I need some new and better samples. I have only one sound pack which is Vengeance Essential... Club Sounds vol 2, as I recall. Didn't find the pack from their site anymore though, but folder structure uses VEC2 as prefix for files and folders.

    Oh.. And now that I listen to that again I can see the kick getting lost in there somewhere.

    I'll keep looking if I can figure out something to work that out.


  3. Ohai beauty-butts!

    Ihavenoideahowtoactuallydothingsandthusifeellikeanoobcake. And I think that went wrong somehow. Anyway! So yeah.. I just decided to jump in blindly as I do in real life as well, so consider this as my second post, as it is. I already managed to sneak in to "Post your remixes here" section before saying hi to anyone around here. Not the best way to join the party (don't try this in real life, it does no good to you).

    Me? I'm just a video game hoarder who likes music and finnish weather. Also, I don't know what "sleep schedule" is. I live in GMT+2 timezone but my body lives in EST (or EDT during daylight saving) timezone for some reason.. At the age of ~32 it's not probably a good thing, if you have a full-time job. (Un)luckily, I'm unemployed. I sure do like to play games and listen to some decent music, sometimes even remix something.. "Remix" with my next-to-none skills.

    Oh ye.. I also have a kid who just turned 10 like couple of days ago. She's something I can be proud of, if not my oh-so-impressive vgm and other remixes and video gaming skills.

    Footnote: I also can use way too much time typing nothing while trying to focus on projects.

  4. Hey there Beauty-butts!

    Any kind of feedback about the track will be appreciated.


    UPDATE #01:

    New mix:


    UPDATE #02:

    Another mix! This time, a little bit more color and other stuff in this track. I left the earlier mix there as well for comparison. There's quite a bit of new flavor added, eq'ing and a bit of limiting and I think next phase would be finishing up the track and fine tune some patterns before final touches.

    At this point I think it would be cool to have those decent monitors to find all the quirks, pops and zaps. Those that I don't have. So, a humble request (and be sure to hammer it down, I'm not soft skinned):

    ANY. Kind of feedback is more than appreciated. If you have equipment to point out some details, do that. If you have anything to say about this track, do that. "This track is bs!" is not very contributing feedback, though, even if it is feedback of some sort. *grin*

    UPDATE #03:


    Here is the final production of his track. Quality is "only" a mere 192kbps, but I might or might not add a download link for studio quality PCM WAV later.

    In the mix I decided to eq as much as possible so all I had to do in mastering was basically balancing lows, mids and highs. My oh-so-professional ear might have been playing tricks on me during the production, so it might not be the perfect. To be honest, I might have been using more time in eq and compressor windows than in the mix.

    Also, this is my first *finished* track in very long time. All I have here in Soundcloud, are only mix-state productions, but I wanted to bring at least one finished track here as well.

    As a source, I used both original NES track and also Wily Wars version (links below). My arrangement sounds more like original, apart from few different renditions of notation. I mixed both original and modified notation in the end, but first half is dominated by those little changes.


    Sources used:

    Original version

    Wily Wars version

    Earlier WIP before this embedded track
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