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Posts posted by MAP3Music

  1. On 11/21/2018 at 6:06 PM, Dcapo89 said:

    Wow! This is your first crack at something like this?! I'm blown away! It sounds so faithful to the original, but has its own flavor to it as well! I love the ambiance you add to this as well! I'll be following your Soundcloud! You should upload to Youtube! I'd share the hell out of that. Please keep up the amazing work!

    Thank you! I'm going to try posting this to youtube soon. Also, I forgot to mention that this was made entirely with free samples and instruments.

  2. 13 hours ago, Steele said:

    Hey I really like the sound of this mix. Really suits the melody of the song. I think what you have going sound-wise is really good and most of the feedback that I can think of is more about the structure and presentation of it.

    1. I think it's a tad repetitive. Unfortunately it's the nature of this song because there isn't a whole lot of source material to work with. So what the original lacks in diversity needs to be made up with instrumentation, rhythm or style. For Instance, the main melody part appears at 0:20 and 1:10 but they sound the same but with only 1 synth removed. what would really benefit this remix is some variety in the repeated parts. Try having new lead instruments entirely or changing up the bass rhythm.

    2. This kind of goes with point number 1. The mix is really punchy and I think what might be a nice addition is some suspended chords, ARP's, notes or SFX over the time. Maybe something in the high end to smooth it out a bit? That will give it some more context and the punchy parts will sound even heavier in comparison to the overtones that you put it in.

    3. 1:42 i'm a big fan of. The melody is busy here so you don't need to add much. Maybe double up the lead synth? I like the change in the bass here.

    4. You could try making 0:20 - 0:38 a bit more of a gradual rise and make 0:38 a bigger section. Gives it a but more dynamics rather than being full force most of the time. Just a suggestion.

    Overall it sounds great man I really hope you keep working on it. Can't wait to hear more from this!

    Thank you for the criticism and suggestions, it really means a lot! I'll try posting a new version sometime next week.

  3. 11 hours ago, Mr. Hu said:

    Sounds like you did a great job squeezing as much as possible from a 15-second loop of music. It might be too conservative of an arrangement, ultimately, to get published, though maybe not. I hope it does, because the production is awesome! Maybe the last eight bars before the slowdown almost reached repetitive territory, but it makes the ending more effective, I think. 

    Thank you for listening! If it sounds conservative it may be because I was running out of ideas as to what to do with the theme, so the little melody I added was supposed to be the last arrangement I could do before the slowdown finale occurred. I made this track thinking in my head what the theme would sound like if there was a remake of this game in the works, so I tried to make it a little modern while also trying not to lose the overall feel of the original. Thank you for the compliment and criticism!

  4. On 4/17/2018 at 12:31 AM, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    No. Small disclaimer, it's been several years since I've touched it:

    It's fantastic for electronic music given its pattern-based system (which is unique to it), its piano roll, and it has some pretty great built-in effects for that kind of music, but I would not say it's a good all-rounder.

    Why? For starters, you're looking to record as well. I can confirm that recording audio in it is a real pain. You have to choose where you're saving each of your takes, select exactly what track on the mixer will be recording (god help you if you start recording with the wrong one selected), you have to choose a particular option each time you record any take, you can't properly overdub takes. It's a freakin' mess, dude.

    Next, you cannot change time signatures. A simple, standard feature in every DAW. I hope all your songs from band days are in 4/4 all the way through.

    If you're looking for a good, affordable all-rounder, look no further than Reaper by Cockos. Suitable for all kinds of music, super-easy to record with and use in general, it handles MIDI very well, has tons of great community made mods and enhancements, is regularly updated, and its "trial version" is fully functional and the trial never ends. However, if you want to get rid of the nag screen and just do the right thing, it costs like 60 bucks to buy a personal/small business license if you make less than six figures on your music. Cheaper than literally everyone else.

    No bullshit, you can not go wrong with Reaper.


    Actually, you can change time signatures. You go to settings, project, and then it gives you a number for beats per bar and steps per beat. Change the number to whatever time signature you want and presto.

  5. I remixed this theme because of how darn catchy it is. I wanted to do more with it so I added a little bit of a melody at the end.

    Updated version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NujqWSai4tz5DHqMreheTHqPf0n87_bz/view?usp=sharing

    Further updated version https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Po265qaakzHl0FkkxPKs6_iRZAy6KR8A

    Final (Hopefully!) Version https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NgR_5_Nhkw9DxomnhccUGinHlihRUzEq/view




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