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Posts posted by Moguta

  1. * Walking In the Air (from the classic animated film "The Snowman")

    Oh wow, I had no idea that song was from a Christmas movie. The only place I've encountered it is on Nightwish's Oceanborn album; they do a wonderfully evocative cover. Hope your version can stand out after hearing it done so well. ^^

    I don't usually buy holiday albums, though, since it's akin to hearing Terra remixed for the millionth time. I'll have to think about it.

  2. Check out the group Afro Celt Sound System. They do a pleasing blend of world instruments & voices with deep electronic soundscapes.

    EDIT: Bah, that's right, you hate vocals. :-( Well, most of the vocals are foreign, so you won't understand what they're saying, if it's lyrics more than the human voice that ticks you off.

    Also, do you ONLY go for electronic music, or are you a soundtrack fan too? If you haven't heard it before, Bear McCreary's soundtracks for the new Battlestar Galactica series have some real gems (aside from all the ambient tracks).

  3. I heard this was passed with all the other acts they tacked onto the Bailout plan and I'm furious. Sure there be a register for you name and work some day but its gonna cost a lot of money.

    This just isn't right ):

    *edit* Nevermind. Checked the link and saw that it wasn't passed.... Still it's BS

    For the actual story, and a more balanced perspective on what the Orphan Works Act really does:


    It's actually pretty sensible legislation, now that the requirements of a "diligent search" are more strictly defined.

  4. Thanks for your response.

    I do indeed use Winamp. I also used the EQ as well. For testing, I turned it off, however the crackling is still there on the piano notes (Where it crackles the strongest).

    Curious, does that mean there was *less* crackling when you did that, or exactly as much?

    Also, what happens if you turn on the EQ, flatten it all to the middle (zero) position, and then put the EQ's pre-amp way down. Can you hear any crackling after you do that?

  5. I have a JVC KD-G730 MP3-CD player as my receiver, but stock speakers.


    The JVC player is the only one I could find, at the time, that displayed the Artist, Track Title, Album, and Track Time all at once. Yes, that really is why I bought it. Especially if I'm previewing some newly acquired music, I like to know the details of what's playing.


    Really. I mean, just for ONCE I'd like to see someone driving around in a tricked out Civic with a spoiler five times too big, crappy flame/dragon artwork on the side, and some MASSIVE PLASMA TWEETERS with PIEZOELECTRIC SUPERTWEETERS, blasting Mariah as she was truly meant to be heard, achieving new levels of canine discomfort.

    Let's put the EQ back in EQUALITY!

    Oh, sweet. Now I have a motive to upgrade my speakers! :-D

  6. Moguta, I think the issue with OCR loading slower isn't because of Chrome. The site itself right now is being slow at times. It'll be fine one second, and then really damn slow the next, regardless of whether I'm using Chrome or Firefox.

    No... it's odd, I keep getting the same result. OCR flashes right up in Fx 3.0 but it takes a couple seconds to re-render the entire page every time I navigate OCR in Chrome.

    And I'm experiencing sporadic but significant (5+ second) delays in tab response. Perhaps its because I'm on a single core PC, rather than one that takes advantage of the separate processes?

    Anyhow, no matter how Chrome turns out, I'm sure we'll see the more useful features make their way into Firefox some time down the line. :-)

  7. For some reason, Firefox 3.0 loads OC ReMix pages noticeably quicker than Chrome. I really have no idea why, as I've noticed just the opposite on other websites.

    But I have to say, this is a pretty intriguing Google experiment. Hope they flesh it out, and it doesn't end up in a perpetual beta like Google's other famous experiments. The UI truly does try to make the browser as unobtrusive as possible, making way for the actual web content. Hell, at first, I was looking for an option to enable the status bar before I noticed that it pops up on demand.

  8. Linux is pretty neat, and it has become surprisingly mature over the past years. A few months ago I installed Xubuntu onto a buddy's old laptop computer, when his WinXP install corrupted & he lost the disc. And WinXP should also have never been on that laptop, it literally took 15 minutes to boot up. Ubuntu's package update feature is the easiest, most seamless upgrade system I've ever seen.

    However, I find myself clinging onto a few particular Windows applications I love. WinAmp & Exact Audio Copy have their equivalents, for example, but nothing that works quite the same. In the end, it's the available applications that hold me back, not the Linux OS. However, I think the trend of cross-platform development is beginning to finally bridge that gap.

  9. I'm pretty sure the power transmission is done via EM resonance... i.e. it will only resonate with the tuned coil of the receiving device, not your body. There's no reason to think it unsafe. Unless you worry too about all the TV, radio, and cellphone waves traveling through the air. (But you shouldn't!)

    And everyone's right who mentioned Tesla, such things have been proposed since the dawn of electric power. The recent breakthroughs are about doing it efficiently & on a miniature scale, I believe.

  10. Zombieforce:

    I have Klipsch Pro 2.1 speakers, which deliver nice crisp quality and certainly can give off some hefty bass & volume. I would recommend them to anyone.

    However, I've heard good things about the top model Logitech speakers (like the Z-2300), and some comments that the Klipsch models are overrated. I can't really find any fault in my Klipsch speakers, but you probably should check out the Logitechs too.

    If you're going to be hooking high quality speakers up to a laptop, you also might want to invest in a PCMIA sound card. Laptops' built-in soundcards are notorious for low SNR (sound-to-noise) ratios because the built-in speakers are so low quality & distorted that it won't be noticed. At least, they used to be notorious for this. If modern laptop soundcards don't have this problem, someone feel free to correct me.

  11. Would it be by any means feasible to have, in addition to the submissions-judging panel, one or two liaisons to the WIP board? Here's my idea:

    They could be newly-selected, like judges are, or perhaps additional duties for selected judges (though this would require more judges on the panel anyway). And rather than being the exclusive means for judgment, these WIP liaisons could help foster better reviews by awarding the better comments & members with some seal of approval ("OCR-approved reviewer", "exemplary review", maybe even something like "review/reviewer of the month"), and perhaps provide guidance to reviewers who need it, while at least occasionally giving WIPs input of their own.

  12. DJP is talking about making the "Works in Progress/Completed" boards as the place where people could get their completed works posted...similar to VGMix.

    Yes, but a post on the WIP board is not the same as being posted as an actual OC ReMix / VGMix. And can't folks already post completed versions on the WIP forum if they want?

    Even if you don't see the distinction between posted as a WIP vs. posted as an OC ReMix, there are a number of features that set VGMix apart that will never change. Most notably is the community-driven judging & ranking, which Dave himself has stated will never be a way that OCR evaluates remixes.

    Eager as I am to see VGMix 3 in the future, if an already active & driven site wants to incorporate some of the better aspects of VGMix, why not? There's still quite enough to set them apart, and plus who knows when VGMix will rise again?

  13. I don't think it's a bad idea, but it could easily come across as stepping on VGMix's toes. The idea that VGMix is where anyone can post a finished remix, is one of the main differences between these two sites. If OCR shifts a bit so that there's a similar ability on a lessened scale, I'm not sure how that's going to be perceived by the folks who run VGMix. Yes, people around here will likely be excited and take advantage of the new set up, but I can't help but think it's going to come across to others as an attempt to hurt VGMix by taking away what's considered to be one of its biggest advantages.

    I'm not suggesting that you dump the idea altogether, but I am saying that if you move forward with it, be careful how you do so.

    Should OC ReMix really be so very concerned about how another website views its own attempts at improvement? A better WIP system would hardly be an attack on VGMix. As you mention, VGMix would still be the only site where all finished remixes are automatically posted.

    And if somehow the VGMix community is offended, I think that has more to say about their sensitivity than any insensitivity on OCR's part. They've had years to implement their vision. Do they really expect another site to hold itself back because it might look like it's moving ever slightly toward the vision of an inactive website?

    I, for one, look eagerly forward to any improvements in the OCR WIP process.

    EDIT: And for clarification, I should also mention I still hold hope for a finished VGMix 3. I was a huge fan of VGMix 2 until the day it was hacked to pieces.

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