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Posts posted by Kirill429

  1. I agree with you in saying that currently the only ways we have of making sure we get the best quality is either to pay the musicians or to know them personally well enough that they'll be able to do it for free as a passion project. In music school, I was taught that even though we enjoy what we're doing, we have spent money to get schooling and training, and that we have the professionalism necessary in order to charge money for our services. 

    Well, I can certainly offer my services as a transcriber, engraver, arranger, violinist, and orchestrator. If anyone would like to personally contact me for projects feel free to.. I, like most musicians who offer a good-quality finished product, just don't work for free is all.  

    I'll probably take all the engraving work I can handle, and offer my services for pretty cheap too because I want to market to arrangers who don't have the budget for projects, but still want to get as close to professional-quality scores as possible. I do want to have guides available on the website for arrangers and music writers in order for them to improve their writing, and to teach themselves how to get better. Eventually, writers will get to a point where they will learn enough of the shortcuts and house styles to be able to make their sheet music cleanly and efficiently so that performers like me and other musicians can easily sight read their music quickly, record it, and move on to the next piece. The point is to get quick-n-dirty live recordings of strings, vocals, and other instruments that sound awful on MIDI. 

  2. Alright, thanks for the awesome input!

    I'm going to try and coordinate a start of the kind of community I'm envisioning. Not through this platform, because that doesn't really make sense, but perhaps through a new website or something. I'll figure out details and other things and I'll post on this forum post where to find me/us when it's up and running.

    Thank you guys so much for the valuable feedback! 

  3. Thanks for your input. I guess I thought this community was large enough to support 30-50 full-time musicians through this. And yes, I'm talking about professionals such as myself, my colleagues from music school, and those with an extensive music education who don't usually work for free doing some of these kinds of gigs. Maybe I should reach out to larger composer-based communities and forums instead?

  4. Think about it this way: This allows for an arranger to have a string quartet of live-recorded parts to their specifications for $20 or so.. $5 per player.

    It would be up to the arranger to write out the parts neatly enough and articulately and as unambiguously as possible in order for the musicians to play it.

    Maybe start-up a forum of submissions to be checked to be ready to record or not. These "cheap" musicians would be in demand, so they wouldn't have a ton of time to look over parts to start out with, so having a couple of string players on-staff to make sure the parts are readable would be pretty cool too.

  5. Hello OverClocked ReMix users, arrangers, musicians, fans, and everyone else reading this,

    I'm a little new to the site, but not new to the community. I've worked with Materia Collective on numerous cover albums, and I'm a violinist and composer by profession. As I'm listening to more and more covers, I realize how much demand there is for live performers on these tracks. However, let's be honest, none of us have the money to hire live performers for all of our parts, and having mock-ups is acceptable here. 

    That's where I was thinking: I'm a violinist, I could knock out about 10-15 of these recordings/day if they're written in a way where the arranger or composer knows exactly what they want from me. Because I can do so many, I can also charge less per recording, to make the same amount of money/day as someone doing 1-2 recordings per day. I usually do professional musicianship at $80-$150 per hour, but because of the volume and excellent cause of this program, I'd be able to charge about $3-$9 per recording of violin part. I think that's really really doable for a lot of our arrangers. 

    I'm wondering if we can start a community of rough, for-hire musicians to improve the production quality of OverClocked ReMix remixes etc.? Who would be interested in organizing something like this? I can advertise this idea to my colleagues at Material Collective, and I'm sure some of us would love to have a steady working gig of recording for an hour or two a day and getting paid something for it. 

    Is anyone interested in a service like this? Discuss here, and feel free to email me at kirpol@gmail.com or find me on Facebook. 

    Kirill Polyanskiy

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