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Everything posted by deshrill

  1. Liontamer, any chance I can be a guest for an upcoming up of VG Frequency? I live in the ATL area.
  2. You know, I had MMX 4-6 for the PSX then had to sell them, but the upcoming Mega Man X Collection makes me feel less bad about that. The Mega Man series has always relied on formula. I really enjoy the style of detailed anime-style stills for the cut-scenes in the PSX MMX games. I've haven't tried the MMX PS2 games and want to try them out, despite their less than stellar reputations. I did enjoy the Mega Man Legends series though, although the Misadventures of Tron Bonne spin-off was arguably more fun.
  3. The Zero series is very fun, yet brutally hard in an old-school way. It will make most modern gamers cry. That being said, I honestly suck at the game, though I've been gaming since 1986 or so when I owned an Atari 2600. I'm looking forward to Capcom's upcoming Mega Man X Collection.
  4. From what I've listened of your show, Larry, I rather enjoy it. You have a quirky sense of humor which matches up pretty well with the style of music you are going for. I go to the Savannah College of Art & Design myself and host a VGM show myself entitled Do the Mario! (Saturdays from 6-8 PM) and would love to call into your show sometime. Keep up the good work and keep on remixing!
  5. Wow, this is great. It's Duck Tales meets Super Mario RPG! Very easy listening... Reminds me of some tracks from the recent Mario/Zelda Big Band album.
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