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Posts posted by Wolfstan

  1. Alright, guys. I never thought to ask here about SSBM tips, but here goes.

    I've been Smashing it up with the guys in my dorm, (first time playing anyone outside my family, we're all fairly evenly matched) and we're about to hold a dorm-wide tournament.

    I've been playing this one guy who uses Dr. Mario and Pikachu, and ALWAYS uses their down-Smash attacks at every possible moment. I consider myself a good player, though I can't L-Cancel very well yet, and my wavedash is far from good. Doc's and Pika's down smash devastates me when I try to get past his guard, no matter how much I wavedash and roll away. He just casually walks up, and WHAM- downsmashed, even when I roll away. Part of this, I think, is because both characters down smash attacks have what can be best described as an "instant" effect, in both directions. Doc's down-S is FAST, Pika's is seemingly instant and has a cyclone-effect. The thing that frustrates me is, I can hit the guy with well-connected combos, but all he does is spam his smash attacks and own me. I mainly use Yoshi, the Links, Zelda-Shiek, and to a lesser extent Fox. I'm usually able to defeat him with the Links, more so YOUNG Link, because he has more mobility than Adult. I have trouble hitting opponents with Adult's Spin-Atk on the ground.

    His pattern is usually something like- Jump towards me with <-A-> Aerial, I evade or hit him, he spams down-smash, I get hit 70% of the time, he continues to stalk me using Smash attacks to keep me off the ground... This continues with some variation, but that's largely his pattern with both characters.

    He's definitely beatable, but it bothers me that Doc can KO so easily with his Smash attacks. It definitely requires more skill to use Mario compared to Doc. I just can't seem to stop this guy 100% of the time when he uses Doc.

  2. Sorry to disrupt the conversation here, but I'm wondering if I should get a DS Lite or get an original DS. What are the differences? Are there cons to getting the DS Lite? (Besides price) It would be nice if there were more than one color for the Lite... all the vendors I've seen with it only have it in polar white.

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