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Posts posted by LunaYoshi

  1. Wow. I'm in awe. I, too, had an instant love for this track when I first heard it. The dungeon levels always stressed me out, but the Forest Temple was totally chill and fun for me if for no other reason than this music was playing throughout the stage.

    Wonderful interpretation of it! I'd like to see more remixes in this folk-y style, but I'll take what I can get.

    I almost missed this remix in the flood of recent posts, but thank friggin' god I scrolled back a month or so because... wow. This is also the first track I've commented on in a LONG time, so I had to remember my login password, lol, shoot. WORTH IT!

  2. For those looking for easy access to the hard-to-make-out lyrics, here they are. The OC Remix only lists the first and second verses, but I thought the following lyrics sounded different, so I did more digging and from what I found, this is what I think is being sung. If I'm wrong, sorry. If I'm right, it should help you sing along better, lol... I always hate blaring this on my car stereo and going "aaweerreerrr againnnnn eereaaaannnnnorrr dream again" and stuff.

    Admittedly, the prequel to this song was sorta meh, but WOW did the "redo" come out fantastic! Great job! Love it! Onto my very selective playlist it goes. :)


    This place I know, a simple reality

    But what I know only my mind believes

    A butterfly that flies so high in the sky

    What can I know, only when dreams come true

    Close your eyes and dream

    Open your mind and see again

    Where we are, you're so far away from me

    But boundaries are nothing within my dreams

    I'll fly away on wings of mist and of spray

    You'll soar with me only when dreams come true

    Close your eyes and dream that you're flying away

    Open your mind and see again

    And dream again


    And dream again

  3. Holy god, my ears. They're crying. Tears of joy.


    It makes me want to do a movie promo for Sonic Generations or something. Someone with video editing skills should totally do that. Then I could watch it and love it and have their babies.

    Very nice piece! I'm not familiar with the original.

    Wha...? For serious? Oh man, browse the Sonic 3 (Sega Genesis) mixes! That'll keep you busy for a day.

  4. Chiptunes? Really? That's the exact opposite of what I was liking about this piece. Backup focals, yay! ...

    With my untrained ear, I can't tell which parts are Chiptunes. Or anything that's auto-tuned, for that matter. Would someone mind filling me in? I love learning about this stuff.

    Also, I take back my comment about the violin and not hearing the source tune. If there's a lot more to be added to this mix, I think it's going to come out to epicly awesome, it'll bump "For You" (Wily, Mega Man 2 remix) as my all-time favorite remix.

    That is... aside from "Twin Seeds Flyby" by Level99. (Dude... you are so awesome in your compositions...)

    EDIT: Any chance at a MK64 Remix Project? This could be so, so epic...

  5. This is such a beautiful remix, man! Auto top-5 on my playlist. :)

    But it's been bugging me since the first time I heard it. I've never played Christmas Nights, but that melody sounds really, REALLY familiar to me somehow. I ca--

    Oh, I found it. It sounds an awful lot like the World Map music from Donkey Kong Country 3. Either a weird coincidence or someone got really inspired? I dunno.

    BUT WHATEVER. This is awesome. Thank you for mixing it. :)

  6. Holy holy holy crud, I have been waiting SO LONG for a NiGHTS remix that wasn't of Gate of your Dreams (or... think there was one other one, but I didn't like it for some reason? Eh, I'll have to re-check)! I fell in love with Frozen Bell when I first heard it on the demo disc that came with our Saturn, and the full game itself and its entire soundtrack has been among my top 3 for years.

    This remix totally does it justice, too. It stays close enough to the source to make it just as enjoyable, but adds a real mellow twist to it. Instant download, instant favorite. Thank you SO MUCH for remixing this AND for putting it up on the site, you guys! <3

  7. I really like this cover. I'm interested in possibly downloading the entire album to hear more, but without a second song to reassure me it's not going to only contain one gem among the rocks, I'm a bit hesitant. I haven't bought full albums in years. I've purchased too many that had one or two good songs and the rest were crap. I prefer to pay for only the ones I like. But that's not an option here, so I'm torn.

    Hopefully another of their songs can show up here on OCRemix again so I can compare and possibly make the decision to shell out the probably-worthwhile $10 for it all. :)

  8. The original source was never one of my favorites, though I liked it, nonetheless. It had a lot of competition in DKC2. Practically the entire soundtrack was epic and fun to listen to.

    But I think this remix, out of all the ones on the album, did the best work taking a source and making it 100x more enjoyable. It accents the best parts of the melody instead of switching it up and, imho, making it sound worse like in other mixes.

    Great job, Virt. I gotta check out your other mixes.

  9. Wow, dude. This sounds frickin' amazing. I'd offer constructive criticism, but I'm just stoked someone finally remixed this track. It's been a favorite of mine for years.

    Great choice of instrumentation and theme. It sounds like it could be a track from Luigi's Mansion or something. :)

  10. I've heard quite a few remixes of the original track, but as I listened to your remix for the first time, I was entranced by the fact that it was effing awesome on its own. I wasn't even listening for the source tune at all. I admit I didn't even hear the source tune at first, but the fact that I didn't care speaks volumes, I think.

    Very nice work. I third the "VG mix of the year" comment. :)

  11. Actually, I don't think this was from the Sonic arcade game. There was a band, iirc, called "Sonic Arcade" that wrote these songs. The arcade game was called SEGASONIC the Hedgehog, and as far as I played it, there were no vocal tracks like "They Call Me Sonic."

    Other Sonic Arcade songs are compiled on a music CD, but as far as I know, they don't include any tracks from the SEGASONIC.

    Sorry to burst your bubble. :\

  12. I really like this mix a lot. I can't begin to critique because I'm not a remixer nor do I know half the terms I should, but if you're running out of ideas on how to vary the theme and make the mix longer, throw in some elements from both act themes. How? I dunno, use your creativity. :) I always thought Diamond Dust's 2 acts would make a great OC remix, being remixes of each other themselves 'n all. I figure the same could be done with Volcano Valley.

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