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Holy Warrior Azar

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Everything posted by Holy Warrior Azar

  1. What I like about that guy is that it was clear he spent alot of time putting together information to bring against Mr.Oji's credibility as a DJ. He had plenty of examples and it was a well articulated argument....NOT! He had no examples of what he was talking about, and further more it seemed as though the same guy throwing the flames was also a guy who couldnt go a sentance without using the word "crap". Sure I wondered sometimes when hearing the show if Liontamer was drunk or not, but he is not in the category of bad DJ's, not at all.
  2. There's always a chance it will be better than the previous vesrion, right? Also, the suspense is killing me regarding the first boss music, who will be taking charge of that one?
  3. Hey, what's the deal on Boss Music 1? Wasnt Haroon (ffmusicdj) going to do that one, did he drop?
  4. Are you going to sound like "REM" like you did in the Earthworm Jim arrangement?
  5. I didnt even know Jivemaster remixed anymore, this is just too sweet.
  6. I thought the radio drama was pretty good, and funny. I'm sad I missed vg frequency.
  7. While I'm not rejoicing at the leave of Beatdrop, Master Hatchet will no doubt do a fine job with the track. As with zyko and housethegrate suddenly appearing out of nowhere, which I'm sure is going to rock.
  8. Setting our sights pretty high arent we Mr. Riley? That's good though. If this isnt full in a few weeks, and I actually have some software by then, would you mind letting me have at one of those ending themes?
  9. I will admit that I most certainly biased towards rock music, and while I would love guitars in just about everything, I dont think it will be the case here. This one looks like it will get balanced between the two more so than Hedgehog Heaven seeing as how many disliked all the "techno" on that one. I still wish somebody would do a rock version of sky sanctuary. I would have but I dont own an eletric guitar, and a acoustic version just wouldnt have the same effect.
  10. Sounds similar to some of analoq's stuff. That's really cool. This would rock with some more expansion to it, and possibly a cleaner guitar. The percussion I think is good because it sounds a little more authentic then the stuff I'm used to hearing. Joker, your arrangement is cool, but that tone is all over the place. I dont know what your using but if you can center the pitch a little better so it dosent have such a hollow echoed sound it would be cool. On a postive note I like that sort of chiming effect on the high notes at the end, that was pretty cool.
  11. Although I have nothing to do with this anymore, am I still allowed to comment on songs?
  12. I fail to see where you could know anything about 'leading' a project. Well it IS 60+ pages in, and everybody has gotten started, and there are multiple people on each track, and some pretty frequent remixers are showing lots of interest. That's not good leadership?
  13. You know, I'll probably get slapped for asking this... Is there any chance that we can post links to the remixs in the first post? I'll even go hunt down all the links.
  14. Now now Roetaka, I'm sure Rexy meant "Dogs" in a good way. Right?
  15. It's crap that the Act 1 boss music from Sonic 3 was NOT carried over into Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That really sucks. Somebody outside the project should cover that one anyway. BTW, do both Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles have Howard Drossin as the composer, or is the guy who did the music for Sonic 3 a seperate person?
  16. Good Points, I completley forgot that the votes would be on the final versions as opposed to the wips.
  17. Deadline is today, so the voting should be starting soon right?
  18. SITH!!!! I think I'm going to drop out. My midi is not only incomplete but sounds entirley too void for me to even call a satisfactory wip. I'm not going to waste your time, Xerol's time, or the listeners time with this piece of crap midi I cant even finish. For the sake of the project, I drop. Sorry.
  19. At least it was not my decesion to play that song, I wasnt even serious about it as an entry, I was just having fun with the joke. I did not expect that monthes later somebody would actually still have it. It is a good example of what no effort, no software, and bordem can do to a person. BEWARE!! Nice to see your still alive KG, specially after hearing that "song"...I'm a monster!
  20. I wouldnt be so sure, it is a REALLY bad song, I cant believe he played it... It's Mr.Oji's fault, I begged him not to play that song! But he wouldnt listen, he wanted to give your hamster an aneurysm!!! Might as well play mich zimmerman's wastlelands next week...
  21. I missed the show, did they play the plutonium edition or was it the regular one? Please tell me he didnt play my song...please somebody put my suffering to an end and tell me my song was not played, thanks.
  22. Xerol, sorry but I'm not ready yet. I'm probably going to get dropped at this point, finale gives me too much trouble and my arrangement I dont think is solid enough at this point to throw it out there with these other outstanding ones. At this point I dont know if I will make the deadline but I will still try, and if I dont make it, that shouldnt be a problem because there are several other great mixes over mine for the same song.
  23. The pain...oh the pain.
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