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Posts posted by Ingonyama

  1. *Dances around in his chair*

    I'm with robochar. Thsi was really well done for Eyes On Me. The point of this site, I thought, was not to make the songs identical to their original counterparts. This changes the mood completely while keeping the idealistic optimism of the vocals clear throughout. I could see this made into an FF8 music video...in fact, I suggest it to anyone who has the skill and the will. :twisted:

  2. My votes go to:

    Lavos (second and third forms) from Chrono Trigger.

    Dario from Chrono Cross.

    Ruby Weapon from FF7.

    The first time through, these people KILLED me. I screamed out my frustration and cracked my controller first time out against Ruby...then I laughed at the ease with which it blew me away. It was only after getting 2 sets of Master Summon Materia and mastering Final Attack and Phoenix (3 times!) that I finally dented it. And all for a steenking Gold Chocobo. >_< What a waste of MP.

    Lavos sucked because of the number of times I had to fight him. I had to play Trigger through three complete times before I could even start getting alternate endings. What sucked was that every time I concentrated my attack on one part of him, the other two bits wiped me out. AND GOD I HATED ACTIVE LIFE!

    Dario was a different story. It's tough to fight a Black innate in Cross when two of your characters are White (read: weak against him), and one of them has atacks that miss half the time (Riddel) so you can't even power up your Elements. Since I missed the Black Plate, it made it even more fun. -_-; I only won after I gave Riddel the Prism Mail (a hefty bit of armor, that) and figured out that she was better off casting weaker attacks and stronger Elements. She seems to be the Aeris of Chrono Cross that way.

    Anyway...my 2 cents. :)

  3. Whoo-HOO!

    This is another of those soul-catapulting remixes that made me fall for the Chrono Trigger/Cross sections of this site. The Marching Ants startup is a great way to slide in fairly subtly, before EXPLODING into yummy FROGNESS! Frog's theme is my favorite song from Chrono Trigger, and I'm sad that there aren't more remixes of the piece, but what there is here is wonderful, and Ailsean, who I first heard of with "Nikki Learns a Song," outdoes himself with this rendition.

    I don't recognize the FF9 piece, probably because I never played it, but it fits in seamlessly with the other guitary goodness on this song.

    I can't believe it; I'm headbanging by the return of the Glenn theme, and I'm a Backstreet Boys fan. O_O

    10/10, along with a vote for MORE FROG REMIXES!


    I HATED Gato when first I played CT, and STILL I used to sing along with his theme. I managed to get over it in time for the Lucca's house scene in Cross (I actually cried then, if you can believe it) but his song just...just brings it all out again!

    This one ranks right up there with the "Recruit Gato" cheat I saw somewhere...once...as Weirdest-Ever Gato Homage.

  5. Newbie alert! Grab yer torch and pitchfork!

    *Ahem* ANYway...

    I'm not a remixer, so a lot of terms quite frankly elude me...But I know how a song makes me feel. That's what most people will get from me when I decide to annoy them with an amateur's review.

    The original Time's Scar brought tears to my eyes with the sheer innate power behind the melody. Since then, I can't give an unbiased review to a remix of the song.

    But this...This is something special.

    I walked home after the first time I heard it unable to escape the melody. Sending chills down my spine is just the start of what the (aptly-named) Angelic mix does to me. Listening to the choral parts near the last quarter of the song, my heart leaps into the air, does a Nancy Kerrigan triple-axle, and decides it's going to stay in Heaven for afternoon tea. Basically, this song makes me cry and smile at the same time. Music that does that gets 4 stars in my book.

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