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Joshua Morse

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Posts posted by Joshua Morse

  1. If people have such a problem with 2 similar projects on OCR, then maybe we should remove Heroes vs Villains as on official OCR project?

    Personally, I would be against any kind of merging between the 2 projects. Our concept for this project came about through a bit of discussion which was totally independent of BadAss (in fact I only learned of BadAss today). We have our own vision of what we want to create.. so why not let BadAss be BadAss and let Bad Dudes be Bad Dudes.. which is how it was always intended to be.

    I personally don't want to offend anyone with this Bad Dudes project, and if it means not having it as an OCR project, then so be it.

    However, I think the majority of us are forgetting something: this is about tribute. "Video game isn't necessarily blips and bloops, and here's proof"--is this not our mission? So, our projects overlap coverage...and? I don't see how this is a bad thing--the more tribute, the merrier.

  2. OCR Staff: It'd be great if you gave us the option to unsubscribe from your announcement mailing list, especially when we never subscribed to it in the first place. Thanks!

    Regarding the interview:

    To separate out the "best" mixes, even by a majority vote, would sway any new visitors towards those mixes and away from pieces that they might otherwise have enjoyed.


    However, we truly encourage experimentation, curiosity, and an open mind. We don't believe a rating system, or segregating out the "good" mixes by an arbitrary or democratic factor, would support that ideal.

    Yet djp decides to dub "Dragon Song" as the "finest" remix on the site...Contradiction much?

    Otherwise, a fantastic interview!

  3. I agree that OCR should not change its policies, etc. But I think the biggest problem, and I think this might be what Morse was also trying to express, is that it's sad that a lot of people who come here tend to think that the OCR site standards are the end-all standards and practices. It's frustrating when I know for a fact that the important people on this site like djpretzel, zircon, Liontamer and others can and do enjoy arrangements outside of this site's standards.

    It's nothing against the site (at least for me anyway). It's about people having closed minds. :(

    Yes and yes. As Liontamer pointed out, "Dave stresses we're not the be-all-end-all approach to VGM arrangement; interpretation is our way--one way--of tributing the music.". And that's great! However, that doesn't stop the kids from thinking and acting on the whole "OCR standards are the end-all standards".

    I dunno, I guess I just couldn't get over the feeling that I was just listening to the originals with sound upgrades (i.e. kinda like listening to a Smash Brothers soundtrack).

    Not to take a shot at Audix or anything, but this a pretty good example of what Mustin touched upon. The mentality of thinking that arrangements are originals with sound upgrades seems like the "OCR way of thinking" to me. I.E. If the arrangement hasn't steered X amount of distance from the source material, it's not OCR-quality, and not worth anyone's time (or so the mentality seems).

    If OCR accepted conservative arrangements (not saying they should, rather, just pointing it out), people wouldn't be bitching about these tracks being mediocre because they're conservative. I say this because people who don't consider OCR's standards to be final word can look beyond the conservative arrangement style and appreciate the liberties that were taken, the production, the mastering, etc.

    If we want people outside of our little scene to open their minds embrace game music, would it not make sense to lead by example and open our own minds?

  4. Not all of these are "covers" as many of you seem to think. Unless a recording is note-for-note identical to the original, it would be considered an arrangement, not a cover. From what I could hear, most of the samples expanded a lot of the melodic content that existed in their original counterparts, thus, making them arrangements. Conservative arrangements? Sure. But they are arrangements, nevertheless.

    Furthermore, it's pretty sad that OCR wouldn't accept quality material such as this because the arrangement is too close to the source. Being a matter of personal taste: conservative, in the middle, and liberal arrangements can all be enjoyed. It'd be awesome to see a website put together that accepts great arrangements regardless of their relation to the source.

  5. Please feed my massive ego ( :wink: ) by using the three Metroid Prime remixes I did. They might be a little too melodic for what you're looking for, but they are kind of atmospheric.




    Oh, now you're just pretentiously toying with my emotions. :wink:

    My two personal favorites:

    Marc Star - Dirty Sam

    Red Tailed Fox - Brinstar Bonsai Garden

    Threads like this make me want to revamp OCR Tags...

  6. What this really boils down to is a lot of uninformed conjecture on your part. You and I don't interact that much anymore; you don't visit #ocremix often, you don't really post on these forums that much, and you don't really even converse with me via IM anymore (not that we did that much in the first place). You're basing your opinion of my character on the fact that I am a staff member on this site and that I posted a few links to my remixes in a thread where a guy was asking for some good--yes, good--orchestral remixes.

    Fair enough, I'll catch you on IM, then. </thread_de-railment>

  7. He asked for orchestral remixes. I linked mine. That's not bragging. That's answering the question.

    Incorrect. Take a look at the thread title: anyone know of good orchestral or symphony remixes?

    Note the word "good". Also take a look at the kid's initial post:

    i have an english project due and i have to write some kind of poem or story to music. its called a mood piece and just wanted to know of some really good pieces on here. Thanks!

    Note the phrase "wanted to know of some really good pieces on here".

    So, unless you somehow missed these key adjectives (you're not THAT stupid, are you?), then the fact that you promptly replied with your own music as a call for "really good" / "good" orchestral arrangements, is, without a doubt, bragging. I.E. "Take a look at my really good orchestral arrangements! :)"

    Obviouslythe first ones that spring to my mind are the ones I made. If someone asked you for some smooth jazz style stuff, wouldn't the first thing that sprung into your mind be your music? If somebody asked bLiNd for some trance music, don't you think that he'd at least think of his own stuff first?

    You make a great point here. However, in my case, if someone asked me for smooth jazz style stuff, I would immediately think of Jeff Lorber (and did when I read your response). But yeah, sure I *thought* of my own stuff after Lorber. I'm a firm believer in the saying "if it stays inside, it's confidence, if it comes out, it's egotism". If I ever were to come out linking to my own shit like that, I'd feel like I was being egotistical and selfish.

    I don't place my arrangements above others. My orchestral remixes pale in comparison to a lot of other stuff linked in this very thread. Does that mean I'm not allowed to mention them? No, it doesn't. That's just bullshit. The guy didn't ask for "the best ones." He asked for orchestral remixes. I made some orchestral mixes. I'm gonna link them.

    Of course *you're* going to link them. Nobody is saying that you shouldn't. All I'm saying is that, in this case, it comes off as egotistical promotion.

    Of course people do it for a reason. People think that because I'm a judge and a mod, I have a superiority complex. People claim I have an ego because they want to cut down the big-bad-judge, knock him down a peg or two. I wouldn't get half as much shit from people if I wasn't a judge or a mod, and I know that's true because after I quit a few years ago, people stopped giving me shit.

    Have you counted all the blow jobs you've gotten because of your judge/mod status? Do you think it's possible people defend you and praise you because they want to be on good terms with the judge's panel? Let me elaborate...

    One could argue that the panel doesn't include personal bias at all when voting on mixes. Conversely, one could argue that the panel *does* include personal bias when voting on mixes.

    I believe djp touched on this subject in the past--both cases are hard to prove or disprove. However, this doesn't stop kids from thinking "Hey, if I suck up to this guy and kiss his ass as often as possible, my chances of getting a YES on my mix from him increases!". So no, not everyone is out to get you. You catch more blow jobs than shit being in your position.

  8. Sorry, what ego? I don't brag about my stuff anywhere, and I hardly ever plug my own music.

    Dude, you just recommended your own material in a recommendation thread...How is that not bragging about your stuff? The fact that you did that alone justifies the fact that you have an ego, to some extent, at the very least.

    The guy asked for some orchestral remixes and the first ones that sprung to my mind were the ones I made that are posted on this site. Did I say, "These are the best ones?" No. I just posted links.

    Once again, it's ego justification time with my boy Drakesword. The first arrangements that sprung into your mind were your own. You didn't have to say your arrangements were the best ones, but when they're the first ones you think of, it goes without saying that you place your own arrangements above others'.

    I'm getting pretty tired of people claiming I have some kind of big ego, especially when it comes to my music. I don't.

    Well, if people continually claim you have an ego, did it ever occur to you that they may be doing it for a reason? Depsite what you may or may not think?

    I let the music speak for itself.

    You mean like this?

  9. What, they're not good?:tomatoface:

    I won't dwell into the discussion regarding the quality of the material you've linked to. However, linking to your own material in this thread is particularly boastful, given that you're the only one doing it.

    Here's a thought: if you're as good as you think you are, have some tact and wait for someone else to link to your arrangements. Stop acting as if all the knob-polishing in the review threads isn't enough to feed your ego...

    Regarding the thread topic:

    I also second Vampire Hunter Dan. You may want to check out Jared Hudson and Dale North as well.

  10. Oh wow... That's quite a shock. I wasn't a big fan of the Bernie Mac Show, but I thought he was great in all his movies. :(

    Always helps to throw some negativity in your thoughts on someone who's passed on. Not like they deserve respect or anything...

    Bernie's death caught me completely off-guard. It's a sad say when someone so great at their craft loses their life. He will be missed.

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