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Joshua Morse

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Posts posted by Joshua Morse

  1. I really like the idea of tags, even in the context of genres. Since pretty much no song ever fits squarely into one genre, as the epitomal and exclusive example of said genre, it would make sense to allow people to tag songs with multiple genres, and that end users could then come to expect that each song has some elements of each genre within it. I think if you want to compromise the ideas of genres and tags, that would be the way to do it.

    Agreed. However, this project is going to take forever to go anywhere if I'm the only one tagging mixes! So if any of you support this idea, don't hesitate to start tagging!

  2. Personally I'd prefer it if the word genre wasn't used, as it implies classification, rather than description. I think something like OCR Tagged would be better, because the term tag implies limitless descriptors, rather than pidgeon-holed classification. That way we can tag stuff with like "violins" or "4-on-the-floor" instead of "Orchestral" and "Techno."

    I've been in the process of developing some stuff that meets you halfway on this. I previously had the thought of changing the name to OCR Tags, which I plan on doing in the near future. As of right now, I'm going to keep the genres, however, I've implemented an 'additional elements' feature with tag options like 'live guitar', 'live vocals', etc.

    On a side note, I've given users who've registered the ability to tag remixes themselves.

  3. Well for all the haters out there, keep in mind that it's a 'supplement'. It's not changing the actual OCR site or it's policies. If you like it, use it. If not, nobody's making you even look at it.

    I for one would like to see it, as I'm sure it will reduce threads on the forum asking for particular kinds of mixes. (How many times have we seen "Mixes with vocals/Orchestral mixes/etc?) The more community resources the better, I say.

    Hit the nail on the head!

    Have you considered incorporating a rating system as well?

    No. I don't feel a rating system would be beneficial or even work in this community. I feel that it would promote cliques and elitism. I also feel that people's personal feelings would get in the way of a majority of the ratings (I.E. I don't like this remixer as a person therefore I don't like this remixer's arrangements so I'll give them all a low rating).

    I don't know if any other remixers feel this way about their stuff, but I personally object to the classification of any of my mixes under a specific genre. A lot of the reason I make music is to get a sound I find interesting or unusual, the purpose being to not conform to the rules of any set genre. The idea of someone else putting a label on it makes me really uncomfortable and seems like it might encourage more remixers to conform to a specific genre instead of developing their own ideas, which I think is very counterproductive.

    I know this thing is just a supplement to make it easier for listeners, but I still find it unsettling as an artist and therefore I can't say that support it at all.

    Understandable. As a musician, if I voiced my discontent about my arrangements being used in a project I didn't agree with or support, I would expect the person running the project to respect my wishes. So I can exclude your remixes from the site if you don't want them to be included. The same goes for any other remixer who feels this way.

  4. This is bound to degenerate into people whining about mislabeling and nitpicking between thousands of different subgenres.

    As long as the whining is constructive and well-founded, there shouldn't be any problems.

  5. Hey all,

    Lately I've been immersing myself in a number of web development projects. One of said projects includes something called OCR Genres. In short, I plan for it to be a supplemental website to OCR, providing a new way of searching for mixes: via genre. I've seen some demand for people wanting remixes to be categorized by genre, so here's your chance!

    I need your help! To explain, OCR Tags allows for users to tag their favorite remixes via genre and elements. I still have a quite a bit to work on, but you can check out the site right here. Users can register and start tagging immediately.

    I'd also like to welcome any questions / comments anyone has as I'm trying to build up an FAQ for the website. So let me have it!

  6. Souliarc, maybe you could learn a thing or two from Dale? I could be wrong, but I see no evidence of substantial credibility to back up your statements regarding Dale's "auto-tuning".

    As for the arrangement...I almost remixed this in hopes of having Joe Cam sing over it, though I entertained the idea for maybe two minutes. Dale managed to make the track sound great despite putting it together at the 'last minute'. It made a great closer for Bound Together as well.

  7. Not goat's best. Samples here are bad.

    Go to goat's site and get all of his other stuff - amazing stuff. This "Froggy Mosh" not so much.


    Yeah, he should probably just start using Kompakt presets for every track he does from here on out. :roll:

    Ha! Clearly, he might as well just threaten to pull all of his mixes off the site due to the criticism. :lol:

    While he's at it, he could start shoveling out critiques based on a subject he knows virtually nothing about! :idea:

  8. Technically, a very pleasant soundscape. Emotively, where is DOOM? Don't get me wrong; I enjoy it and it's staying on the playlist. It's just not DOOM.

    It's not meant to be "DOOM", it's a remix.

    And on that note, not everyone is going to agree with you on what "DOOM" is.

    Not meant to be DOOM? So much for tribute, I guess.

  9. Hype is PRE-product release generated excitement.

    Hype: Loud advertising and promotion. Example: 1) The new movie by Steven Spielberg is getting a lot of hype. 2) Don't believe the hype!

    also check out,

    Hype:Extreme promotion of a person, idea, or product.

    You also didn't consider (due to your extreme ignorance) the fact that the IM's and message board posts contained phrases like "You gotta check this track out" & "If you haven't heard this, what are you waiting for?"

    But I shan't derail the thread anymore.

    Thanks, hope you stick to your words kid.

  10. Secret of Mana 3%

    Original 97%

    I think I just solved the solution to get on OCR!

    lol yep.

    people sure are making a huge deal over this track.

    i find it to be a good track, not a great track. i understand what harmony is going for here but some of the elements aren't executed well enough for this track to live up to the hype everyone's been giving it.

    No one is giving it "hype". It's PRAISE. I hope you get your english right the next time round, or do you just love being one of those off-beat cynic judges? :P

    Actually plenty of people are giving this "hype". Seeing as how there's links to it on other message boards and that I've gotten IM's about it. I believe that would qualify as hype. But you're the english major here. I hope you'll decide not to open your mouth about stupid shit like that next time round, though you probably won't.

  11. Secret of Mana 3%

    Original 97%

    I think I just solved the solution to get on OCR!

    lol yep.

    people sure are making a huge deal over this track.

    i find it to be a good track, not a great track. i understand what harmony is going for here but some of the elements aren't executed well enough for this track to live up to the hype everyone's been giving it.

    first off, the vocals are blurry. for two reasons, #1 being the lack of highs but also in combination with #2, being the volume. the lead vocals aren't loud enough and are being smothered by the instruments. so the lyrics are pretty hard to make out.

    the 1:58 dropout of the percussion is sudden and does not work. the 2:33 works because you're changing the mood of the track, and you also used the bells/cymbal to help smooth out the transition.

    a boost in your bass and kick would be nice for some low end. the mix seems a little light because of this but not by a lot, just a small bit.

    the time change from 5/4 to 3/4 at 2:31 was slick. aside from that nothing made me say 'wow' in the least.

    also, does anyone else think harmony sounds incredibly white when he sings?

  12. As I listen to this... I am very pleased with the creative flow.

    However, is that skipping noise in the beginning just me? Hmmm

    7/10 Variety mixes like this are great.

    #1. That's not skipping. If you would take the time to listen to it carefully, you would see that it's percussive, since it's on-tempo.

    #2. Since when is a rating of 7 / 10 great?? Last I checked 7/10 was average. If I was 'very pleased' with the creative flow of a song, and thought that mixes like this were 'great', I'd be dishing out a 9/10 or 10/10. Give Daniel some credit, man.

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