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Posts posted by Xaleph

  1. You can see the progress he's made since this song was submitted, and I hope to see more from you in the future. I'd have to agree with ghetto lee lewis, I mean, I like the piece, but there isn't anything out of the ordinary about it, it sounds like a mediocre ambient song. Pxfury, ur a great guy, but I think you could expound a bit more on this song.

    in my book, appropriate soundfonts gets an 8

    appropriate rhythm gets a 7

    overall effect gets an 8

    so that'd be 7.66/10

    download if you like the game or if you just like pxfury's style, like me =D

  2. I had a broken soundcard when I was mixing the two parts together, my skills weren't as good as they are now, and I had no idea what compression meant. I hope to resubmit this song later with a better transition, better keyboard, better drums, and yes, better equalized guitars. I wouldn't call this my best work, but I plan to "re-do" this song in reason or a better program than what I used.

    what I used??

    midisoft!!! OH MAN MIDISOFT IS SEXY, that and my creative sound card sound font fun =D. Then I just recorded it analogly into acid 3.0.

    Same with ryan, from what I hear, he's gotten much much better since. I hope we can either re-do this song, or coop in another song later on.


    edit: note that I submitted this months before I submitted my luigi's mansion mix, if you want to hear the progress

  3. This is a good remix, it's not one of my favorites, nor is it what I'd consider one of djp's best. Appropraite soundfonts/patches/voices...etc etc... 10/10 appropriate rhythm 10/10 overall affect, I felt it just became tedious/monotonous after a while, it lost my attention after around 2 minutes, it's a good piece, sounds like something we'd play in my jazz band, but it just sounded to... it just didn't seem dynamic in the way it progressed. 8/10

    overall would be around a 9.33/10

    Good piece, recommended download if you like jazzy/funk pieces, if you like the song from the vg, or if you just like djp :D (my reason :P)

    ~dj carbunk1e

  4. I found this to be a great remix, especially after I started playing the game =D. It's amazing how the liking of a song can increase when you know where it's from :lol:

    Anyways, I usually grade according to appropriate rhythm, appropriate soundfonts, overall effect... you can see how this song would create a problem with those grading types...

    I think that he kept the tempo pretty stable, especially for playing guitar without any backing beat. I think he did an incredible job, the song definately gives a soothing effect (which I presume he intended), and I think that hey definately put a lot of effort into this piece. I don't know if it was particularly difficult to play or not, but I think he did a good job.

    ~dj carbunk1e

  5. I guess I'll be the first to reply, great song, I really like what you did to the song, I was thinking of going back and re-remixing it the same way you did, all symphonic. But you saved me the work :D

    I really like the string work, the rhythm seems a little bit repetitive, but the build seems really good.

    However the overall effect wasn't what I was hoping for, I was expecting.

    I'll have to give the song a 8/10

    great work, can't wait to hear more from ya in the future!!

    ~dj carbunk1e

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