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Everything posted by klm09

  1. Ok! I hope I find the time to get that done before the deadline as well then.
  2. If you've never used software to make music before, it will take you a good while before you start to "get" the programs and workflow, especially with programs like Sonar and Cubase. But don't get discouraged by that, unless you absolutely hate the interface of a given program, try to persevere until you start to have some idea of how it all functions. After you know one such program fairly well, getting into other programs will be much easier as well, as they usually have some similar features. The concept and functionality of plug ins (inserts and sends) and midi sequencers are two examples. Sorry if this is all obvious to you, it wasn't crystal clear how much experience you do have with Acid for example.
  3. Btw, is the track list locked? Ok, maybe I'm about a year late asking this. I'm just thinking in case someone decides to submit a finished mix of something that's not being worked on before the deadline, and it's of high enough quality to be usable, could it be included in the project? I'm not saying I will.. but I'm not saying I won't. I have some ideas for a remix of the third overworld theme from ToP, but I've sort of got my hands full as it is..
  4. Oh, right. But wouldn't myf just be so much easier to type?
  5. Okay. Or should I say omfg geetarzzz. (((((( Indeed. Well, at least the filters (for some words) are gone now.Wait a minute.. Mythril Nazgul =/= myf? I thought they were the same guy, that he changed names some time ago.
  6. Yo! I posted some questions and stuff at the forum, answer plzkthx LoL~~!!!
  7. Ok. You can't go wrong with something from the UF series by CME, I've read glowing reviews. Also, you might want to take a look at the Kontrol 49 and microKONTROL by Korg. Here's a fairly comprehensive list of current models by all the major manufacturers: http://www.audiomidi.com/master.cfm?CID=262 Compare prices and features between those, and if you have more questions about particular models or features, ask away.
  8. You can't within Reason. You're going to have to export as a WAV and open that up in some program, like Winamp, to see its length in seconds. The Reason sequencer is fairly basic and doesn't have any built in concept of time. It just recognizes the "now" position of the playback.. bar, for lack of a better term, and moves it along at a speed determined by the song tempo, and plays notes and follows automation data as it encouters them. Time, in the sense of seconds and minutes, I should specify. AFAIK, it treats beats and bars as locations in the sequencer as opposed to divisions of time. But this all is basically speculation on my part based on the sequencing capabilities available to the user.
  9. All right, now we're talking! So, basically, you want a midi controller. You're going to have to think about a couple of things: -What features do you want besides a keyboard (knobs, sliders..)? -How many octaves should the keyboard be? Do you want something physically small with only maybe 2 octaves, or something more like a piano, ie. 5-6 or more octaves? -Do you want piano-like weighted action on the keys, or is spongy, synth-like non-weighted ok? For weighted action, you'd have to get something large and expensive, most likely. -What kind of connectivity do you need? Most current midi controllers interface to your computer by USB, but some might only have MIDI ports. -What's your budget? This largely determines what you can get in terms of the other factors. EDIT: The eKeys, if that's all you need, then it's probably good. Mind you, I don't think it's velocity sensitive, so every note you play is going to be the same velocity / volume. You'd have to edit the velocities by hand after you record your playing if you want softer and louder notes in the same passage.
  10. Haha, man, I remember the first time I played that game, I was actually amazed when I heard that the first time!
  11. Well, it could have built in samples or synth capabilities. Basically, do you want to control, play and sequence sounds (synths, samples) already in your computer, or do you want something that makes the sound by itself when you play? How do you currently make music, and what do you to add to that setup or change about it?
  12. You're hats sounding off after you export to 16bit/44khz is probably more likely due to the software you're using having a less-than-perfect algorithm doing the conversion. But if you're working with softsynths and 16 bit samples, working at a higher sample rate / bit rate is not going to make essentially any difference. If you're recording stuff, 24 bit is definately better if you can use it, because of the higher headroom, which in the end basically equates to less noise.
  13. Hear hear! I'll make some when I find the time and post here.
  14. If Snapple's already doing it.. I don't think I could do much better. But I'll make a short demo WIP as soon as I find the time.
  15. This project is totally worth it for Scrambled Eggman alone. It's now one of my favorite remixes ever. Each remix is good or great overall. The rock / metal ones are the ones that I like best. \m/
  16. Cool beans. New WIP of my thang over at the project forums. Check it.
  17. If Birth of a God is still open, I'd definately be interested in contributing a metal remix of that. I probably won't be able to get anything significant done on it for a while, but.. what say you? I could put together a demo of some guitar + drums + bass to show what kind of production quality I can pull off if that's of interest.
  18. i has a shuvel Remobilizing? So we got a release date again, ie. do you have inside info as to when the S3K project is being released? Oh, right, I guess the release date for S3K isn't much a secret LOL. Checked the project thread for that. But do we have a date? or wut u mean by remoblizin !?1+!?1 ??11 Also, dudes and dudettes on the project comment on my remix plzkthx. Sorry, I have a math exam in 50 minutes and I've had a bit of coffee.
  19. So I figured that, with the S3K project ready for release, I should probably get cracking on my mix. I've progressed quite a bit, overall I think it's about 80% done now. Basically I just need to copy paste some bits from the beginning to repeat at the end and do an outro, and possibly rework small bits here and there for further polish. Or, well, that's what I think.. I hope you guys don't think what I have done is unusably bad. I have a WIP uploaded, but where should I post the URL? Oh, wait. Yeah. Project forums. Ok, making post there.. NOW!
  20. You mean just the original choir samples used in the game? Somebody's ripped them years ago, but I have no idea where you could get them. But they do exist.
  21. Heh, another Waves copycat. Yeah that seems pretty cool, I grabbed that, will try it out when I have more time.
  22. That's single band as well.. I dled it but haven't tried it out yet, but the Waves L1 is a single band design, and the W1 is based on it. Anyway, I'm actually also interested in hearing if anyone knows of a free multiband "mastering" compressor / limiter VST that's good for squeezing out every last dB with reasonable transparency.
  23. Off the top of my head, the Kjaerhus Audio Classic Master Limiter VST ( http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com/classic-master-limiter.php ) is quite nice.. but it's single band, so you're not going to be able to get anything OMFG XBOX HUGE loud out of it. But it's free and a very nice limiter at that, plus it's only got one knob on the panel so it couldn't be simpler to use. The other Kjaerhus plug ins are hot as well.
  24. Jebus. I tried it on a track just now, and it basically tripled the apparent volume. Of course, it sounds squashed (well.. if you pump up the compression, as it is, it's fairly not-overkill), but I guess mileage varies with the source material. One thing I noticed, though. When you load it up, it sounds way different with those settings than after you change the position of Rotary 1 (Loudness Curve). Even if you set it back to the same default value, the tone doesn't go back to what it is originally. It's sounds like the EQ is disabled or something before you change the position of that knob. Ok, so I checked; the EQ curve changes radically once you twist that knob, and due to the way the values are set for the rotary in the programmer, you can't get back to that original value. Not that I'm complaining, this thing sounds delicious, like aural cake. Wait ok now I figured it out. You manually set up that EQ curve within the patch. Man, this post is really incoherent.
  25. yes and no. DX effects are DirectShow Filters (.ax files).. these are implemented with a multipurpose DS API (audio and video) instruments however use the DXi API developed by Cakewalk, which extends the DirectShow API with polymorphic methods and suchs for MIDI/automation data. Yeah, my post is probably much more nitty gritty than necessary, I just figured I'd explain it as in depth as I know. Also, the bit about DX stuff not having an API, well, I'm not nearly as familiar with DX plug ins so I probably should've just not said anything about those.
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