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Everything posted by klm09

  1. Do you mean you want to, say, turn a bar of 8th notes into 2 bars of quarter notes? That you can achieve by selecting the notes, right clicking and choosing "Edit Events" (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called). There you can do what I desribed above, with the "scale tempo" function iirc.
  2. Reason, rewired to cubase, can use a 'tempo track' from within cubase to control the master tempo. This is a very effective way to control reason's tempo. I do it all the time, but beware, there is a reason delay module bug that occurs on tempo changes D:. Does the same thing happen as when you change the delay time on the fly? Like that tape speed fluctuation type of sound? (I don't have Cubase so I can't try it out)
  3. 1. You can't use VSTs in Reason, per se, but via ReWiring it to another program such as Cubase you could. But no, you can't use them in Reason. However, I'd say the synths definately are good enough that you don't need anything else, except for some very outlandish sounds that are only producible via very specific forms of synthesis, etc. 2. Yup, you're also "stuck" with the stuff that comes with Reason. But again, they're all of such quality that you don't necessarily need anything else. 3. Yes, you can automate just about every parameter of every machine either manually or then via the Matrix. Crap lesson starting must stop here.
  4. Sorry, but I don't quite get what you mean. Do you mean that you'd like it to start playing the different tracks at different times? Do you mean that you've programmed some patterns in a Matrix, and now you want to be able to get those synths that are controlled by the Matrix to not play all the time? Or that all the notes you've programmed in play at the same time in a giant chord of ear bleeding dissonance? If you could clarify a bit, I'm sure that one of us can help you.
  5. So, are you saying that when you use the Copy to Track menu option to transfer a pattern you've programmed in the ReDrum interface to the sequencer, you get silence? Or that when you program a sequence period, you can't hear anything? Well, ok, that doesn't *really* matter.. but anywho, is the ReDrum connected to your mixer? Is the mixer connected to the hardware interface? (Is the hip bone conn.. uhh.. sorry). In the sequencer, is the Track you've programmed the sequence in being "sent" to the ReDrum? What I mean is that is there a small icon that looks like a miniature ReDrum machine next to the "name" of the Track on the left side of the sequencer? That's all I can think of for now.. hmm. Everything else works properly?
  6. Yeah but the point here was that he wanted a way to do it besides automating the modwheel. And, btw, I meant that you'd be sending the note data, not cv curve data from the Matrix. EDIT: Curve date? Yes please. However, I meant curve data.
  7. To expand on Devvyn's idea, couldn't you use a Matrix and a CV Spider to prevent having to copy/paste the note data? Yes, you'd lose some programmability, but for simple stuff you'd avoid the hassle of making sure the notes are identical for both tracks.
  8. Nice Triple Post. (j/k) The interpolate function (at least in the version of Buzz I have) is Ctrl+I. Select the values to be interpolated (Ctrl+B and Ctrl+E are very useful for that.. B for the beginning [top] and E for the end [bottom] of the selection), and smack the keys, voila. Yup, Fray, I'll definately agree with you on that one. The tracker style interface is very cumbersome to sequence in compared to a piano roll sequencer like there is in FL and Reason and just about everything commercial. Visigoth, no. Well, actually you might be able to do something akin to that with a machine called Peer LFO, but I've never used it, so I'm not exactly sure what it can do / how powerful it is.
  9. That's a bit of a misnomer, really, considering that Buzz has VST/i support. Besides, I'm sure you're don't know every single machine in it inside out. Although I will agree with you to some extent; getting a really warm / liquid / phat sound out of it can sometimes be a pain, depending on the machine. Speaking of phat sounds, putting a FSM Phatman with a short delay in your bass-sound, (so that practically no "chorusing" can be heard) effects chain = obese. It also works for leads, especially if they're not really big and reverb heavy.
  10. Do you have the 1.0 demo? Because, I'm not sure of this, but I think the edit mode of the sequencer might've been disabled in that; at least I never figured out how to do anything with it. If it's the 2.5 demo, which I played around with recently (I've got the full version now, yay!), click on the icon that looks like 3 different colored bars on top of each other to go into edit mode in the sequencer. There you can enter in notes for any instrument devices you've added into your rack.
  11. I thought I'd reply to some points brought up by Ghetto Lee Lewis. Yeah! Ugh, I hated the place, but loved the music. I thought so too! But this is what I ended up with.. in fact I originally intended for the song to be quite minor-chord heavy and generally quite dark, but I just couldn't get the chords to sound right. After fiddling with them for a while, I just realised that if I went for a more happy sounding chord structure I could get it to sound much better. Well, as the trance lead I used is your average detuned-saws affair (except that I used two Voidsynth II's, eg. 4 oscillators instead of the, I suppose, usual 2), so the lead itself is detuned, in order to get that big trance lead sound. But the piano being out of tune, well, it might be, I dunno. I didn't notice it myself. I did indeed play it (AWESOME game).. when I Googled for "Tales of Phantasia Morlia Gallery", it brought up 7 pages of results, with "Tales of Phantasia Moria Gallery", 2 pages of results. Also, isn't "Moria" the Middle Earth locale?
  12. This is my second attempt at this song; I at first started this about a year before I started again from scratch, and I'm *quite* happy I did.. the original remix, in hindsight, is actually quite awful. I didn't use any midis, I figured the notes by trial and error via spc in Super Jukebox. Also, as I (think I) state in the ID3 Tag, this is completely made in Buzz; all the synths are native buzz Generators (the drums and piano are samples and soundfonts, however). I actually had most of the elements for this mix down in a weekend, if I recall correctly, and then spent about a week tweaking with it. Despite the fact that this is my first posted remix, I had multiple mixes in the works before I finished and submitted this one, along with a truck load of (mostly unfinished) originals.
  13. Rock! ABG! You submitted! I knew this'd get on.. I never mentioned it though, did I? That I thought you should submit this? Anyway.. I've liked this one a lot since I first heard it like some months ago. The choices on the instruments are really fresh and different, yet still fit the original really well. I love the beats, especially how you mixed in these pretty unorthodox stuff in there; however, the main d'n'b beat is a bit bland.. well executed, but it could use some more effects or eq-ing, IMO, to make it sound, well, different in one way or another. Wasn't the original version longer? I think this really could have carried on for maybe another iteration, perhaps broken by a beat solo type section.. Anyway, I think that this is above average material.. it could be my personal preferences (and the fact that I know ABG from elsewhere) meddling here, but I really like this one.
  14. This ought to be stickied so it doesn't fall off the page.
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