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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. i'll give it a shot, i took a look at the song yesterday, and laughed at it's chromaticism. i'll see if i can get a wip going soon, one that has a bit more harmony and less chromaticism.
  2. Two points of notice i had to make when hearing the new version of FML: 1. In the new version, the annoying "nasally" quality that was present in the vocals of the original is not there anymore. 2. However, with the removal of the "nasally" quality it sounds almost monotone (for most of the song), and the dynamics are emoted less. the new more present organ was definitely a liking factor, and made this version much fuller then the first. 2:50 specifically hearing more organ here was awesome, but it had to trade with the wah guitar for that. At least the arrangement is good. I don't see this as an improvement over the first version.
  3. with samples that "sound" like they come in after the beat, adjust the attack (only very slightly) to help them sound quicker.
  4. haha i think you should stick with the WST25FStein, it's a good soundfont. It only needs a little EQ'ing love to make it sound brighter. Heck, i used it in my KiC mix.
  5. For stings (solo), look for Cadenza or Florestan. For a reverse cymbal, search for sonic implants- it should be a demo sf2, so it's free. Well for a reverse cymbal, you can also just find a cymbal sample and uh...reverse it. What about the reversed attack of the crash. It sounds very awkward when I just leave it the way it is reversed. why don't you just slice the end before the attack? easy enough to do.
  6. could i request a playlist for the show, por favor?
  7. i can think of two things to try off the top of my head - i'll give you better ideas later when i pull out fruity. try the full porta selector in the channel properties screen use more than one sampler setup for various sounds. i've done that a few times to get a fuller sound out of the samplers and it will work - its just a little more work to get it totally sounding right. anyone else have any ideas? definitely try changing ASDR envelopes, that usually can help if it's only a short difference between lengths...i haven't tried it myself for samples that are really long though.
  8. don't say this is another "Fake Mustin" call again by Danny B. cuz those are just getting lame and not funny. bring substance man
  9. you can apply effects after the vsti in your mixer...which is what i believe you are saying. they still work properly.
  10. he finished sometime around 2:30-3:00am EST, and i found it particularlly strange about the requests being made, i think Larry has a certain fondness for Cool Cool Schala...omg 2 days in a row! no more!!! ahhhhh
  11. melodies of life or whatnot or blue reflection from mm3 by injury
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