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Posts posted by olanmills

  1. Does anyone have the album art jpegs? The links to download them are dead.

    Sorry to dig up this old thread. I would have PMed Digital Coma, but he's not listed as a member anymore.



    Originally Posted by Digital Coma viewpost.gif

    I'm posting for Ari - grab the full cover package including jpegs here: http://supertux.com/~aasulin/ROTC_Covers.rar DEAD

    The final covers that weren't released are also included; direct links to them are:

    http://supertux.com/~aasulin/rotc_front_final.jpg DEAD

    http://supertux.com/~aasulin/rotc_back_final.jpg DEAD

    Here ya go. As for the labeling, I wouldn't think it matters how ya do it.

  2. I hate to be so critical since I have no creative talent myself, but it really irritates me that the lyrics are in Japanese even though that is not native to the performer. It's as if it's supposed to be cooler just because it's in Japanese. I think the lyrics are actually quite lame, but being sung in Japanese is supposed to make it sound amazing and deep somehow. Essentially, there doesn't seem to be a good justifiable reason to sing it in Japanese, making it more like a gimmick in my opinion.

    Disregarding the lyrics and their tranlsation, I like the singing and the way it works with the original source. It sounds very nice. I just wish the writing was better.

  3. I'm glad to see that there are a few people who felt like me about this song. The composition is good, and the lyrics are okay, but the delivery sounded rediculous to me, and I thought the use of "nigga" was rediculous. It's not that I'm offended by it or anything; I listen to a lot of rap. It just seemed really stupid in the way that they used it here. It's as if they thought it would be really funny or something.

    I can't beleive so many people liked this so much. The more I hear it, the dumber the vocals sound, and the lyrics are starting to sound more rediculous too. This is a mockery or parody more than anything, and if that was really its intention, then it's a very dumb parody. If that wasn't its intention, then it's just dumb.

    try spelling ridiculous again.


    Good thing that we're getting down to the crux of the issue.

  4. I'm glad to see that there are a few people who felt like me about this song. The composition is good, and the lyrics are okay, but the delivery sounded rediculous to me, and I thought the use of "nigga" was rediculous. It's not that I'm offended by it or anything; I listen to a lot of rap. It just seemed really stupid in the way that they used it here. It's as if they thought it would be really funny or something.

    I can't beleive so many people liked this so much. The more I hear it, the dumber the vocals sound, and the lyrics are starting to sound more rediculous too. This is a mockery or parody more than anything, and if that was really its intention, then it's a very dumb parody. If that wasn't its intention, then it's just dumb.

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