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Super-Duper Sombrero

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Posts posted by Super-Duper Sombrero

  1. I have two monitors. It's quite nice, but I can't put them directly next to each other without some sort of interference action goin' on. (slight strobing of the left/right side of the screen).

    Is there any way to make this go away? I've tried synchronizing refresh rates(as I thought it may be some sort of destructive interference), but no good.

    Also, does this cause any kind of damage to the monitors? I can tolerate the strobing and stuff.

  2. So I got an iPod nano for christmas a few year ago, but the screen on it somehow cracked... Not just a superficial line, but the LCD goods leaked and made a black mess... I need a complete replacement.

    I looked at the Apple website, and they had a specific disclaimer stating that they would NOT repair broken or cracked screens.

    Are there any good sites concerning the self-repair/replacement of a Nano screen?

  3. I haven't beaten it, but I feel like I'm pretty close to the end.

    Great game, I've spent 70+ hours on it, and my brother over 100...

    I love the gambit system, and the new combat to fit. I'm not a big fan of the whole restriction to one spell at a time. Numerous are the times I could have been saved by a Curaga interrupted by Thundara. Even the mass-effect spells cast one at a time. Rather irritating, but a small complaint.

    The music is good, but it's all very similar. I kind of miss the variety found in 7 and 8 (sometimes orchestral, rock, electronic. Very diverse).

    My only real complaints are with the voice acting. Vaan's lines always seem rushed, like he's frantically scrambling to fit ten lines into a one line timeslot. This may be true, but still... And he sounds angry. Fran's speech is supposed to sound forced and difficult (I think), but it's very unnerving to listen to her. Balthier and Basch had great acting, and Ashe was sort of mediocre.

    I like how there's no real main character, but Vaan's purpose quickly fades, and he's just sort of tagging along.

    The story is good. All of the characters talk about everything else in the world, not just where you're going next or what happened thousands of years ago. It really brings the impact of crisis to the player.

    I would have liked some sort of character build system, and the license board doesn't really make much logical sense. Of instance, learning how to use a pole for tens of hours ought not to qualify the use of a high-level crossbow after a few spent LP. I'm not saying I want defined classes for the character a la FFIX, but some diversity would be nice. All my characters turned into greatsword-wielding berserker-mages... ? Yes, even Penelo.

    In a summary: FFXII = good. Dialog = maybe not so much.

  4. I heard a song a while ago, and I can't remember the name of it. I think it was a melancholy song about the future, and the title involved a specific year. I think it was called "in the year 20XX" or something like that. Except instead of XX, there was a number.

    I know it's a vague description, but if anyone knows what it's called, it would be greatly appreciated.

  5. I had an idea like this when I was talking about virtual reality. I was ponder how to move, and a treadmill had crossed my mind. So I figured why not a giant sphere on a freely rotation axis? It would be like being in a ball mouse, but crazy. Also, there would have to be a custom-made game for it, as not much would truly capture the feeling.

  6. EvilHorde, you still haven't given me the track yet. I wants it.

    Anyway, thinking about how I would fret the song got me wondering. I would love to see a project dedicated to asking guitar remixers and bands such as housethegrate, Snappleman, Vig, Game Over, and so on to provide guitarless tracks of their remixes for the purpose of creating Frets on Fire songs.

    The project could be called "OverClocked Hero" or something like that.


    On another note, my FoF runs sorta slowly and the songs are all off-sync. Just by a little bit, but enough to be really annoying. Anyone else have the same problem? Any way to fix this?

  7. Oh god, just played Guitar Hero 1+2 yesterday for the first time ever.. MAN! It kicks so much ass that my pants have a hole on the backside.

    I had to check this one out too and it kicks engough ass to be a great substitute for the real thing. And if its compatible with the GH controller... YUMMY!

    Gotta get more songs for this thing.

    I also thought my Dark Side of the Phobos track "Hangarmageddon" would maybe suit this one well. So if anyone is interested in making it, I can provide the guitar track and the song.


  8. The link is broken for me. I downloaded this a long time ago, when it first came out, but there were no songs on it, so I abandoned it. I recently played GHII at my local Wal-Mart (while waiting for the Wii), and I got interested again. Unfortunately, every time I try to download it, it breaks. :cry:
    Maybe tomorrow Smedricks or me will upload it somewhere else.

    That would be most good.

  9. The link is broken for me. I downloaded this a long time ago, when it first came out, but there were no songs on it, so I abandoned it. I recently played GHII at my local Wal-Mart (while waiting for the Wii), and I got interested again. Unfortunately, every time I try to download it, it breaks. :cry:

  10. Take your time, nobody's gonna kill you if you're not on time.

    Unless you're compfyfox working on Chrono Symphonic :lol:

    <3 Compy

    I mainly say this because alot of the other remix projects have sounded like they were rushed. Like the Earthboud one, I didn't particularly like. I'm sure it would have been better if they were given more time.

  11. hmm...let me think about this question for awhile...hm- THE DAMNED SPIDER SCIENTIST ON LEVEL 53 ON ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS!!!!

    OMG does anyone actually have and play that game anymore? that boss was horrible...i mean hed be nice Mr. Scientist one second, then he pulls out a potion like hes gonna give it to you for an upcoming battle, so you wwalk up to him to get it, the he drinks it and suddenly turns into a gigantic spider that i shot the crap out of with my bazooka and refused to die. holy crap i hate that suka so much.

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