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Super-Duper Sombrero

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Everything posted by Super-Duper Sombrero

  1. That's incredible. What uh, what kind of a class is that for if I may ask? I like the twizzler-lookin' healing beams on the medic and sentry, that's a nice touch. Other than the tinfoil base, is it 100% edible?
  2. Added myself, but unlikely to attend any sort of meetup. It's difficult to get me out of the house!
  3. I'm having a lot of fun with the new patch system. Is there any word on making an OCR clan as well, or will we just stick with a community? Also, there is a 50% 'community event' exp multiplier (100% + difficulty bonus x 1.5), and leveling is ridicouless fast right now. Playing on Master is entirely doable right from the start with a fresh level 1, and now I'm level 45 halfway through act II.
  4. Oh hell, thanks for the alert. I'll add it now. I skimmed through the rules from the earlier email, but I didn't catch that part of it.
  5. Thanks for the heads up. (haw haw get it) Here is a list of the strongbox items, thanks to /u/TheAnthal of reddit. Here's what the new items a look a like.
  6. Also, according to this reddit thread, new taunts have been added/re-added to the game for heavy and spy. Something epic this way comes? I'm excited, at least. http://www.anthal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/spy_dosido.gif.gif [sic] http://www.anthal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/heavy_dosido.gif http://www.anthal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/spy_buyalife.gif
  7. Server updated and restarted and updated. Looks like at least TF2items broke, I'll look into it later.
  8. Another halloween update! This time on Halloween. During primetime. Amazing.
  9. Looks like GM (or otherwise) beat me to the punch this time! Here's the update notes for you guys, in case you missed it:
  10. Server updated. I'm really excited for crates. I love crates so much. I really hope I get like a million crates so I can open all of them. Crates.
  11. Umbrella slimes are the best! I just wish they could drop one for me.
  12. Is this the first update to not update the localization files?
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