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Everything posted by Oltri

  1. STFU about the bacon. You dont get the bacon. Dont ask again. ... Seriously. EDIT: Oh, and, I just read the sunday news, and, are we still supposed to express our opinion of dropping the boss music alltogether or was that the issue we previously resolved? Ya know, I only said it once. And what did you mean by "sexist afoot"?
  2. Er... yeah >_> >_> They're hideously rough with a lot of useless thick lines, but that's the best way for me to "round" him out. I'm also aware of the oddness of the top one in the fighter jpg, I need to erase some of that =\ The yoyo with two yoyos isn't a mistake, I was just checking to see where the yoyo would be and stuff. Anyways, hopefully I can actually contribute something to this project now instead of vegetating. I'll have mirror up soon.
  3. Hello >_> I haven't been here for about two weeks because I've been.. busy. The first few weeks of university are surprisingly evil. I did have spare time to go online and do some internet stuff, but no time to draw, and I guess I've neglected coming here to tell the people in charge that I wouldn't be productive for a while. I've gotten a bit used to using a laptop and tablet together, so I guess if I have to I'll work on this project during breaks (apparently my subject of study has a lounge with little booths so I guess I can go there for privacy XD). In short I was gone but here I am again >_> I'll be posting stuff soon. For real this time ;;
  4. The password doesn't work very well.. (try right clicking and... yeah) can you password protect the downloads instead? Anyway.... I WILL BE SURE TO POST SOMETHING BY FRIDAY >_>;
  5. Can I pick up Yoyo Kirby, then? And Wing if no one else has taken it yet >_> I'll try to get some WIPs of 'em up by Friday.
  6. I don't think anyone's asked this yet, but is there a rough date for art to start coming in? It'll be after or about the time the writer's start submitting stuff, right?
  7. Late post, but I'd like to see the easter egg as well! xD If the deadline for the cover art is extended I might try, but I'm having a lot of trouble with anything artsy right now ...Where are the others? >__>
  8. I really like that cover art D: Nova is very well done and I like Kirby and Marx's expressions xD
  9. Ha, the deadline for the cover art is in an hour XD I doubt there'd be another change of deadline >_>;; Kirby has lots of poses! They're just really round, that's all.
  10. Can we still submit a cover art tomorrow? As in... tomorrow at 11:59pm?
  11. Oh, right, comments XD I love the colouring style for that! So painterly and stuff, and the little planet stages are in the background too xD Only problem with it is that Kirby looks a bit odd, his arms might be a bit too thin. Really great otherwise, especially the detail in the star background. What program did you use for it?
  12. Umm...I have a cover for the story...I could post it up tommarrow...if you want Go ahead and post it! There's a contest going on for the cover, so I guess everyone's (the artists anyway) gonna make one and post it.
  13. Do we have to post again to reserve the abilities for sure? >_> In any case: Mirror, Fighter.
  14. Ack!! Reserving abilities?? I wanna take Mirror Kirby! >_> And Fighter! For now
  15. Hrm, I guess if anyone wants a bit of hosting for their mp3s they can PM me or MSN me and send it to me and I'll upload it to a site. I forgot what else I was s'pose ta say.. so.. I'll edit it later.
  16. I don't think you have to do everything traditional, as long as it LOOKS like it's done in crayon or whatnot. I'll bet Photoshop has something that'll make it look like that.
  17. That sounds fair Maybe there can be an extra webpage of the "alternate covers" for people who wanna check them out, assuming there will be a site for this. I'm guessing others will be asking this, so: What are the criteria for the cover? And what will the title of the "book" be?
  18. Could you program the flash movie to play a song from a directory? Like "c:\...KSS BGM\Song1.mp3"? I looked around on the 'net, and I found this: http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/ It's a flash mp3 player. I don't really understand what the documentation says, but from what I get you tell the flash player to play music from a directory on your website. It might be able to play music from a computer. And I also found this: http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/47045.html
  19. If the pictures were to be animated gifs, there'd be a lot of colour and quality loss =\ I agree with KWarp about keeping them as static images, animations would be too much of a hassle to get working correctly. I took a screenshot of my pc running in 800x600: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v41/oltri/800by600.jpg Looks like it just about makes it...
  20. Haha, at least I have a (correct) gender now. I agree, this project is gonna be great xD There was a section in the first post where the artists and writers could show their work to the remixers for inspiration, and I'm thinking that could work the other way; the music could inspire the picture Heheh I'm gonna have a lot of fun with that art style.
  21. Ah, thanks for letting me join. I'm not a he, though... In any case, I look forward to listening to all the remixes this project has to offer, as well as reading and looking at the story and illustrations =D The WIPs all sound great so far.
  22. Er... I PMed KWarp regarding an artist position, and he instructed me to post my art here for more opinions... Anyway, here are two quick things I've done; one took 10 minutes or so and the other 30. I usually spend around 5-10 hours on something. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v41/oltri/kirbybomb.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v41/oltri/angelkirbydoodle.jpg If the lineart or colouring seems very basic, it's because of how long I spent on them. My serious stuff is more polished. If you want non-Kirby examples of lines and colouring, here are two: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v41/oltri/artsy/baleeted.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v41/oltri/artsy/hideseekfinal2.jpg Expect that quality for the project, in whatever colouring style it will be. It might be too late, but.. yeah >_>;
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