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Everything posted by betavirus

  1. Probably one of the most catchy mix I've heard in a long time. Great, great mix. If you haven't tried it, you should. The little shin-dig at 2:00 is worth the download anyways. But it's catchy all over the place. Try it!
  2. I never played breath of fire or anything, but I have no idea why this took so long to get here. I think this song is great! You did very well with the melody and such. I donno, I'm not a "uber" critique, but I really like what you did. Keep it up man, if you could do this in 3 hrs.. well, you have the world world to conquer. -beta
  3. Well, i don't know what all the fuss is. I guess i'm just a too casual listener to catch the bad recording quality and such. I really like the remix a lot. I was surprised by this guy because i never heard of his recordings. but now, i think i can sense the bad recording quality ... i hate you guys, it WAS perfect for me, oh well, it doesn't bother me much n-e ways. hee hee well thanks "Double A Ron" for this great mix! -beta
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