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Casual Gmoe

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    Opelika, Alabama

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Geez, nobody is from Thunderhorn? I have a 55, soon 56, Night Elf Warrior named Masamuri, look me up if your ever on.
  2. I think he meant it to be "Tickle my Willy" but use "Wily" in place of Willy because they are almost spelled alike. This is a very awesome mix download it now!
  3. I....I think i'm in love... This song is the greatest song i've heard on OCR in a LONG long time. Everything about it is great. I don't think there's much more to say other than.. wow, so i'll say it now. "Wow."
  4. Excellent song, loved near about every bit of it...my only gripe is the change from techno to classical at 2:00, it happens too quickly and...i dunno what the term is for it but it just kinda sucked at that brief moment. But I love the rest. Great song, definately recommended.
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