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DJ Tempora

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Posts posted by DJ Tempora

  1. No. Anyone with DJ in their name here is most certainly not a DJ.

    You called? 8)

    Darke: dude, this is like the nerdiest idea ever. But I'm interested in seeing the results, especially if the pencil-and-paper artists contribute. Also, I'm down with NinjaN's barcode deal thing. I like the original thought, but something like what he showed seems more practical.

  2. modea01_070720j-l.jpg


    The cloud on the far left is clearly a sideways Hydralisk head, confirming that Brawl is an RTS, and is sideways. I'm pretty sure I can see the three stooges in there too - three playable characters for sure (or... replacement for Ice Climbers???) The dark area in the left-middle is the Master Hand giving you the finger.

    Haha friendlyHunter for the win. All of this 'cloud' business is absurd. What cracks me up are the posters (primarily on other boards) making fun of people who see Ridley or Master Hand, but are like "NO GUYZ THERE IS ONLY BOWSER YOU R STUPID".

    News flash: noone is in the damn clouds. Stop this nonsense.

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but canonically speaking, Meta Knight wasn't exactly a bad guy, was he? It strikes me as odd that he appears to be leading this evil rebellion or whatever it is.

    No, you're right. Meta Knight is depicted as having honor and good intentions. He and Kirby are usually at odds, but I wouldn't say Meta Knight is bad or evil at all. He fights for the good of Dream Land, same as Kirby. And whenever he and Kirby duel, Meta Knight honorably leaves a sword for Kirby to defend himself.

    I think where you get it wrong is the "evil rebellion" part. I don't see anything in the update about an evil rebellion. All I see is that Mario and Kirby decide not to fight, i.e. disobeying the rules, and have to deal with the consequences. The Halberd's part in that is unknown.

  4. Okay, look, I was all fixing to exit this conversation, because it's not as funny when it seems the person you're jabbing doesn't understand the context of the insult. However, I'm not going to sit here when my integrity is called into question, even on LOLS INTERNETS.

    I value a certain level of respect towards people I don't know, unless I am given a direct reason not to. Hence, the reaction to DJT's dumbass comment, and some of the earlier posts, for instance posts number 13 and 15.

    Face it, you overreacted. What I said was definitely incendiary, but that doesn't mean it was serious. It was a continued playful jab at you. And even if you want to go on thinking it was serious, that's fine too. Because my statement was directed at the fact that you weren't getting jokes that umm...


    yeah, everyone else in the thread understood. Tough, but that's how it is.

    Writing and design is my profession by choice and by passion, which is why I like the premise of this game so much. Yes, I take it a little personally when I try to have a valid discussion and all other people do is mock me in return;

    I admire your passion for writing. However, an Internet forum isn't always the place for it, as you can make yourself look like a pretentious jerk pretty quickly. Just something to chew on.

    I'm alright with having people poke fun. A laughed at the kitten thing. I laughed at Darke's picture. But, when I laughed at the cat, I was told I needed mental help (post 58 ). And the word "seriously" is used in that context. I'm sorry, but I''m sure any sane person would take that literally.

    No, very few sane people would've taken that comment seriously. Notice how my post there is in all lowercase and looks hastily typed, in contrast to every other post of mine which strive for proper grammar and capitalization. That should throw up a flag right there, but if it doesn't, guess what: I was joking. And everyone knew it.

    A little ribbing is fine; after all, I said a while back that I would like to put all this behind me. I apologized for and rude remarks I made in post 63. All I've gotten since is more flak. And more sarcasm.

    You've gotten more flak because you've shown that you're clueless when it comes to what we were poking fun at you about. That's the way of the world, friend. Don't act all indignant when it hits you in the ass.

    For the record, I tend to be a really nice guy on OCR. Now, I've been lurking for about a year, so there's no way for you to have known that, but a few in here might be able to back that up. The point is, the comments I'm making are coming from a position of 1) laughs or 2) honesty, and not because I'm a douche or something. In that light, I am genuinely sorry if you took me for a mean dude; obviously that was never my intent and I was joking like everyone else. And also for the record, most of the other posters in here are generally nice too. We've been acting the way we have because you were funny/clueless (in the beginning) and annoying/out of hand (at the end). That's the truth to it, no spin.

    I'm done here now, thread ceased to be funny once you took everyone too seriously. It was fun, gents.

  5. In regards to the responsibility comment, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

    Good God, apologies for that one folks... *cringe*

    Jack: since your humor and sarcasm meter is clearly not tuned for the likes of OCR, I'll spell it out for you:

    -Noone here hates you either.

    -I know you can't hurt a Google image, but thanks for the heads-up bud.

    -I called you a dumbass not because I actually feel that way, but because 90% of the comments in this thread have whizzed right over your head.

    -Dime store debate terms (non-sequitur? Ad hoc? Honestly, dude) don't really impress when just bandied around. That may work for other forums, but we have PPR.

    -LARPing is LARPing.

    -Oh and, if you're keeping tabs, there's only one winner here. Not you, not me, but DarkeSword. 8)

  6. I understand that not all of the details have been given yet, and this is Sakurai's intention, but I'm just a little on edge about it because Samus is my main character for ownage. My bad.

    The reason I think that this has potential for massive fail is that if this is the -only- way to play ZSS then there may be a way to completely eliminate a character from even being played...which disappoints me.

    I think it'll be okay. I have a feeling Zamus will be gimped (not Sheik-like as everyone has been assuming this whole time) but I still think she'll be selectable at the character screen by holding down the Z button, ala Sheik.

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